Saturday, April 03, 2010

Odds and Sods Ya'll

Finally, FINALLY got my new keyboard! So once again, I have a working space bar and can update the blog now. Whew! that was a tough week! Speaking of

Ipad came out today. Everyone's buck wild about it. I'd kinda like one too, but I'd love to see it in action. Maybe instead of getting that new laptop like the wife wants, we should invest in one. But I know that as soon as this one is done, a new one with better improvements will take its place. I want one because of THIS! So damn cool, and soooooo my style! Anyway, knowing me, and knowing my current budget, I won't get one for quite a while. So see you in 2015 Ipad. And the day after I buy one, they'll come out with the IBRAIN that downloads God into your mind or some shit. Great. So it goes.

Nothing new too much. We've been busy packing for our upcoming move. We've been going through each box, drawer and file with fine toothed combs and tossing a ton of crap we don't want or need. I am weeding out more stuff today, including original art that I am tired of hanging on to. Thinking of archiving it maybe digitally and getting rid of the bulk big ones. Not ALL my pages, but the older crap that no one would ever want but I cannot talk myself out of getting rid of it. I'd love to get one of those shelves with the thin drawers to hold the art by project as opposed to all piled into a huge tub. So again, if anyone out there wants some old original art, Pleasant Life pages, pages from any project I did back in the day, don't hesitate to ask. I'll cut you a killer deal on it. Like as in, pay for shipping and its yours! lol We should get the okay to move the end of this month sometime. Any day now. I've also been taking lots of time to archive long standing little projects like CD booklets, DVD burnings and getting rid of alot of old or crappy looking CDs and buying the new remastered versions to replace them. Plus, taping old tapes to CD or mp3 and organizing the old demos and files. Yeah, lots of stuff to do. But if I don't do it now, it never will get done. Just tossed into a box, stuffed into a closet and forgotten about. I'm overly obsessive about archiving and storing things properly about things I care for.

I got selected for Jury Duty here locally. I tried to explain what a huge pain that is to do as they want it sorta spur of the moment for a week this april when the wife is outta town. But no dice. I got denied. So I have to report sometime this next week. I am happy to serve on it, but I wish I could SCHEDULE when I was needed. That would be way more convenient. We'll see what juggling this week brings.

In sadder news, my step mom has to have a pacemaker put in this week. I'd love for ya'll to send some positive thoughts her way as she's got that and a few other health problems I don't want to get into. Just would appreciate the thoughts tossed her way. thanks muh droogies.

I'm sorta sporatic on my art duties as of late. The kid entering full on toddler mode of "I'm going to get into EVERYTHING and whine at EVERYTHING" has taken its toll on me. and the wife is constantly working as of late and when she's home, I don't do much cause I barely see her. But I got a whole list in front of me of things I have to get done. Anna #2 and Expendables #3 being at the top of that list. So just wish me luck and I will hopefully get back in the saddle.

Anyway, thats the latest with me. Thanks for continuing to read!


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