Friday, May 28, 2010

Finally! New Apartment Pics!

Finally, I posted some pics of the new place. Here's the master bedroom bathroom, decorated in FROGS!

And the main bathroom decorated in Seashells.

Down the main hall, I got some of my college oil paintings hanging. On one wall, I hung two paint-by-numbers my mother did way back in the day. These paintings used to hang in my grandmother's house and after she died, my mom claimed them. Then she died and I claimed them. Finally, they hang proudly across from my oil paintings. Mom and son, artists together on display. I like it.

This is my computer/scanner/desk/corkboard area. This is where the bulk of my work is done.

This is me standing in my office area facing toward the front door through the kitchen. Note the tile floor and its much wider than the old kitchen we had.

This is our new couch that was delivered today. I've always wanted a sectional, and now I have one! And the cats approve too!

This is in the main bedroom and part of the wife's vast FAMILY GUY collection. There's tons more and maybe I'll show pics of those one day.

The rest is all my office. From main shot of the whole shebang, to the autographs I got, to the bookcases full of books/reference and nerdity, to the CD collection area. 32 years plus of collecting in one spot!

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