Tuesday, May 25, 2010

Busy as hell!

Man has it been a whirlwind in my life the last week or so!

I Got a few pre-ordered commissions for HEROES CON and I completed them, so I will mail the one out and the rest of you, can pick em up at my table at the show. I will post my table assignment when it is 100% set in stone as far as I know. And I thank you!

If anyone else is going to HEROES and wants to pre-order a commission from me, please email me at phymns@yahoo.com and we can discuss such matters. Paypal is accepted and you can pick it up from me at the show. Woot!!!

Yeah, HEROES CON is fast approaching. I placed another order at bagsunlimited.com and should arrive later this week. I gotta order some more prints from my printer guy here and get those done. I was hoping to do a new one in time for the show but its not looking likely. I gotta do up some more original art for the show too. I am still debating whether to throw my hat into the auction again. Last year, I didn't do too hot and am debating whether to just focus on the fun of the show and not worry about such things. But the night is still young. We'll see what I can do. I may do one. I got an idea brewing that may be perfect for such a thing. We'll see.

In other news, I was late on one ANNA order that I thought went out, so I sent it with extreme apologies to the lady and drew an IRON MAN for her son:

There he is with his catch of the day! Truth be told is my pals Shane and Sara and it was her order that didn't go out. Apologies Sara and I hope this makes up for it. A sketch and a mention in the world famous GRUMBLE GRUMBLE Blog! Hope you dig the read!

I got an email or two from some folks that picked up Anna from MOTOR CITY and really enjoyed the hell out of it! Thanks folks! Rest assured, Issue #2 is being colored right now. I hope to have it out in time for DALLAS CON in August, but likely will have it before that. We'll have to see. I am way behind on work. Plus my day job scheduled me a ton of hours in the photo department this week because people are on vacation! So that leaves me even less time. AND we still gotta go clean out the last bits of the old apartment! (without a babysitter to watch Scott too!) So yeah, busy week for us!

But good news, we bought a nice new couch. A huge sectional, a fluffy couch that I've always wanted. It should arrive friday and I cannot wait to try it out. Today I scored the new Stone Temple Pilots disc. I am a huge fan of STP and the disc is solid. Not as great as their first two CDs, but good. Better than the last, I'll say that! I also bought LEGO INDY 2 and promise to crack it open AFTER I get my work done! I gotta be productive as hell the next week or two. I got a crap-ton to catch up on. Speaking of which, I better go.

One last thing, the June 30th U2 concert I got tickets for has to be rescheduled due to Bono's unexpected back surgery. Total bummer, but I completely understand. Its likely the show will be rescheduled for next year. So no big deal. Get well Bono! We need you out there, no matter what the naysayers say. Screw em!

okay, off to work with me!


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