Tuesday, May 11, 2010

Top 5 TREK mistakes you might have missed.

Everyone knows there was mistakes all over Trek. These are some of my favorites I always look for when I watch these episodes:

STAR TREK TNG "SKIN OF EVIL" - When Riker is being pulled into the slime by Armus, everyone runs up to help him. Geordi's phaser falls from his belt and into the slime/sand. He almost looks up, blowing the take. (the same thing happens in TOS SPACE SEED when Kirk is breaking the glass to Khan's sleeping chamber. McCoy's phaser drops off his belt. He looks up to see if someone is gonna yell cut, but no one does, cause them to redo the take and replace the glass would have been too expensive.)

STAR TREK TOS "SPACE SEED" - Not a mistake, more like a "what the hell?" When gas is let into the room where Khan and his men are interrogating the crew, Khan runs out and Scotty runs out after him, socking some random dude for no reason on the way out. Like, why stop and hit one guy? He wasn't even in the way!

STAR TREK TOS "DAY OF THE DOVE" - Everyone always misses this. During the first swordfight in the hallway, Johnson gets stabbed and then Kirk punches a Klingon and then picks up a sword backing up into the turbolift. Look in the background, you can see some prop fall off the wall and roll, almost into Shatner's path.

STAR TREK TOS "THE ENEMY WITHIN" - The entire opening is spliced in backwards. The ship flies the wrong way than the normal stock shot they always used and Kirk has no insignia on his shirt. No explaination.

STAR TREK TOS "SHORE LEAVE" - My favorite one. During the fight with Finnaginn, Finnaginn flips Kirk and he lands hard on the rocks. His shirt is intact. Cut to a close up of Finnaginn who says "can you feel that now?" Cut to close up of Kirk passing out. See his shirt? TOTALLY TORN TO FUCK! HAAAAAHAAHAHAHAAHAHAAHAAAAAA!


Watch THE TROUBLE WITH TRIBBLES original on VHS or TV, (not the first DVD version) and when Barris calls Kirk while Kirk and Spock are in the corridor (later used for the DS9 splicing scene), Spock has a brown stain on his shirt. From coffee that morning? On the first released DVD version, it was digitally masked out. I heard its back on the REMASTERED version, but haven't looked yet.

Bet ya won't be able to watch those same episodes the same way again. Like the scene in STAR WARS where the Stormtrooper hits his head.


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