Wednesday, May 19, 2010


I'm sitting in a McD's right now using my wife's comp cause they got free wifi here. Well, the move is doing okay. We're 3/4ths done getting our crap to the new place, but I guess I caught con crud cause I am sick as a dog right now. Either its con crud or the fact that I am allergic to dust and all the dust we've kicked up from our move. Reguardless, I am sick as shit and I had to drag myself out the door to go to McDs to do this update. Felt the fresh air would do me some good. UGH! I hate being sick!

To top it off, We called COMCAST who handles our cable and set up for them to switch on our cable/internet on monday. Well, the bitch we talked to didn't do something right cause they never showed. And we called and they said the appointment was not scheduled. So the earliest they could come is FRIDAY! So I've been surviving without internet, which sucks balls. I can twitter sometimes via my phone, but it keeps losing its signal, and I am limited as to what I can do on it.

Lastly, our oldest cat JAKE has developed his old urinary tract infection as well. He's peeing blood everywhere and if we don't get him in to get it fixed, he could die. And we're pretty short on funds right now. But the vet is working with our needs. I'm just worried about my special little guy.

So yeah, not too great of a start of a week! And to top it off, we still gotta finish moving and I gotta work tomorrow! Hopefully my fever breaks and I get better. I gotta force myself to get better. I know blogs are supposed to be entertaining, and all I did was bitch a bit here. But everything is okay. I'm fine and looking forward to HEROES con. Not too far off now! I'm still on a high from the awesomeness of MOTOR CITY, so that should keep me going.

Cheers ya'll. Hopefully I'll rejoin the virtual world this friday or sooner. The bastards.


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