Thursday, June 17, 2010

Expendables and Fall Con Plans....

I'm hard at work! Here's the cover to Expendables #3....

Its a horror/Terminator Spoof comic this time around, so why not celebrate both in the same pic!?!? Should come out later this year. I'm coloring pages and drawing pages as I speak.

I decided that I may do ONE MORE show to round out my year. I was thinking Mid-Ohio, but its quite a voyage and the wife and kid will want to come this time around. I like em to come too! So I am stuck deciding between two shows on the same day: MOTOR CITY or the new DETROIT FANFARE. Both have great merits so I guess I am gonna take some time to decide which I would like to do. I have loyalty to both really for obvious reasons. So to do one and not the other will kill me. But I'll decide soon and let ya'll know. We got time till then.

For now, I'm focusing on just getting Anna 2-3 and Expendables 3 done and out the door. Amongst other things I'll leave unsaid for now, that you'll have to wait for next year to see! (tease, tease) Also, tomorrow night I am recording a new podcast with Shane and it is a doozy as we're really gonna dive deep into our child-like psyches and dissect some stuff that I think about alot now. I recently recorded a new one with Dean Stahl as well, so please check out my podcast featured on the main page of!!!!

Anyway, just a quick how are yeh, and letting you in on the coolness of Expendables #3. Its a fun project and I am happy to be a part of it.

Cheers, T

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