Tuesday, June 15, 2010

Stuff and nonsense...

Some pics of various things that I think are cool.

First pic released of the Rick Grimes character from THE WALKING DEAD Tv show shooting right now. I am so excited about this happening, there are no words. It will be on AMC in the fall and its gonna rock! Please everyone, check out the comics beforehand. Its a great series.

Saw this on Facebook and loved the photoshop job. A david with MY body! Love it!

And now on to some things that are coming out that I am excited about---

First up, two remastered/repackaged film score soundtracks from Filmscoremonthly that I must get:

And lastly, the cover of the new Drew Struzan artbook that is coming out in September.

--I was reading about the long history of Superman films and the projects that almost were. Holy crap! What a long and varied history! Give it a read sometime on wiki. It will blow your mind some of the ideas they had floating around that almost happened. Personally, I don't need another Superman movie. I love the first two Chris Reeve movies just fine. In fact, I like 3 and 4 too. I know they aren't as good, but screw it, I likes em. Superman Returns was total shit. Hated it. Really, we don't need another one. But if they make one and it kicks ass, I'll be happy to eat another slice of humble pie.

--Tomorrow marks one week without pizza or french fries. Its been a tough week, believe me. When we're out to eat and everyone is eating my beloved french fries and I am stuck without a side item, it just sucks! But staying strong I am. I am three months no soda too. On my way folks. On my way.

--Did two new pages on Anna #3 last night and I finished coloring Anna #2 yesterday afternoon. I will start on word balloons later this week to get it done. And hopefully work on a major image tonight. We'll see what the creative Gods will bless me with tonight.

Later gators! Thanks for continuing to check back!


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