Saturday, July 10, 2010

FOOD, INC and other such matters... Plus good news!

So the wife and I watched this awesome documentary called FOOD, INC. It was nominated for an Oscar this past year. It was quite a shocking/eye opening documentary about how our food is pumped up full of drugs and can create all sorts of bacteria before we eat it. Also how these major companies have got farmers by the balls and nothing is natural anymore.

I know, I used to hear this kind of stuff all the time and thought it was hippie BS. But something clicked in me this time around. I am considering switching to all organic food. Maybe even dropping red meat altogether. We got some excellent local natural food stores and farmer's markets that I intend to peruse. The wife seems to be down with the idea as well, so that is good. I just don't want to serve my son a hamburger and him die from an outbreak of Ecoli or any other such bacteria that is being created in our meat and veggies. Seems every other week now there are recalls on food products because of over-processing, all in the name of more, more, more and profit! So I am gonna start educating myself and being more careful about what I put in my mouth. (Insert dirty joke here)

When I find something interesting, I'll bring it to your attention. For example, this:

There is a drug made by St. Louis based seed company called MONSANTO called "rBGH." It is a synthetic hormone that is injected into cows to produce more milk in them at a faster rate. Problem is, in cows it can create another hormone called "IGF-1." IGF-1 is a cancer accellorator and has been linked to breast, prostate, lung and colon cancers and cause.

Oddly enough, there is good news: WALMART is one of the companies that has started to jump onto the organic/clean food bandwagon and have even started selling milk with labels on it to show that it is rBGH FREE. Look for these cartons and jugs and get that milk instead. It may cost a tad more $$$, but the other milk will kill you quicker.

So I urge you all to check out this documentary (if you have netflix, you can stream it over the net for free right now) and research for yourself. Take more note of what you are feeding yourself and your family. Lets effect change at your own local level. and be careful. I love ya all and would hate to see something bad happen to my peeps out there!


In other news, I am in the home stretch on EXPENDABLES 3. I got three pages to go and then coloring ten of the pages. And then, ANNA 3 goes into heavy production baby!

One major note of praise for my wife who scored a main chair Clarinet gig with the local symphony here in St. Joseph. She will be playing a few gigs throughout August and September. She is very thrilled to be back doing what she loves most in life and I am happy for her that things connected so fast for her to get back into it. She desperately needs a hobby and her self confidence in her first love back again. I will let you all know the dates and that way if you are in the area, you can hear her play. Congratulations to my lovely bride on her success! Its great to be back in the saddle again, I am sure. Go rock it!

Finally, after saying I am done with conventions for the year, it seems that I might have one more show in the fall sometime. I am not 100% sure I got a table yet, but when I am for sure confirmed, I'll let you all know. It will be around Halloween weekend in Detroit so keep your planner open if you want to come see me one last time before next year!

Thats all. I hope all is well with everyone! Take care out there!


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