Thursday, July 29, 2010

Work week blahs and dieting.

Hey everyone! Hope everything is super dooper out there for ya.

I got five new pages done on ANNA POCALYPSE and plan on pencilling more tonight during the podcast shows that I am a part of. Things are rolling smooth and I am drawing a lot of explosions, guns blazing and fierce bullet wounds in these pages. Once I add the blood effects, you're gonna need a damn barf bag to enjoy this book! But I'm rolling right along fine.

Scored a couple things this week. I cashed in debit card points for gift cards (my favorite store!) and got SPOCKS BEARD V special edition CD, 100 BULLETS "Wilt" trade and a model of the ENTERPRISE C. I Was excited to get the model, but I got it and its devestatingly small and crappy. It consists of maybe 6 pieces and TONS of stickers where the paint is supposed to go on the model. Its odd, cause the model itself is grooved like it is meant to be painted, so I don't know. So far, I am not impressed. I'll put this thing together and it will never be any bigger than say 7 inches. I'm very dissapointed in it. Also, the Spocks "Special Edition" is the same artwork and sound as the original, but just an added demo of the first track, that sounds practically the same as the regular version. Not really worth it. But, I am a completist, so it must be done.

I did also score a couple Auction books. One from PROPWORX for the upcoming STAR TREK prop auction, and an older Trek/Wars one from 2005 on ebay. Not bad. I'm a buyin' fool.

I'm working a crap-ton of shifts this week. We're losing people left and right and so I am there to fill in the gaps where need be. It does cut down on my time at home and the wife and I only see each other in passing, which sucks. But we'll survive.

No news on the comic shop idea I had in my head. We looked at a couple places outside of the target area. The rent on one was unbelievably high, and I hope it isn't the same as that everywhere around here. Or else this idea is a total dud.

Lastly, some news on my dieting. I'm still no pizza or soda. (been off soda almost 5 months now) and I am starting to feel some minor results. This week, I am practically water fasting just to get all the crap out of my system. I am severely limiting what I can eat down to fiber based stuff and fruits/veggies. And since I am working alot, I am on my feet alot. I am trying to find where my wife hid my weights do that I can do some weight training starting next week. So-So far, its going good. I doubt I have much results right now, but I am getting into good habits. I am fighting off urges and am winning the battle. The next step is to kick it into high gear and introduce exercise and start seeing the major results.

I knew this lifestyle change would take a long time back when I started it in April. And I've fluctuated here and there, by enjoying fries and burgers at times. But no more. And no treats. I want this bad, and its going to happen this time. Come kick my balls if it don't.

Lets see, what else did I do... I watched my IN CONSTANT MOTION drum DVD set by Mike Portnoy. Quite a great watch. Also this week, Shane and I are gonna record a new podcast. I checked the stats and we got over 86 downloads of the last episode, and that doesn't count people who just streamed it over the talkshoe site! I just want to say thanks to everyone who bothers to listen to my BS and keep checking me out. I know alot of people read my blog here and check my site everyday. If you have any ideas of ways to spice it all up and keep you coming back to the site for entertainment, hit me with an email! But still, thanks! I appreciate it!

Well, I guess I am off to start pencilling pages and spend some time with the bots before it gets too late.

Cheers, T

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