Friday, August 13, 2010


Hey all! Taking a break from the mountain of commissions I am doing to share some recent work on a print I am debuting soon. This is my new SUPERFRIENDS/FAMILY GUY print that will debut at my next show. Check it out and enjoy!

Next is this:

I've been buying a lot of books lately via used AMAZON and ebay. My first was a 2005 hollywood prop auction book. The second was a STAR TREK prop auction book from an auction that happened this past weekend. Lots of cool stuff for a trek fan like myself from ... lastly, is that guide to IRON CHEF I keep putting off. For those that don't know, I LOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOVE Iron Chef. The original Japan version only though. Its just wonderful. I wished they released those on season discs, I would so buy the complete set! Wonderful show. Check it out.

Watched my first NFL game of the season last night. It was preseason, but it still was cool to watch while I was working. I got the fever this year. NFL fever!

I am gonna try to stay away from the internet now cause of art workload and my anniversary this weekend. I hope ya'll have a great one. Okay, bye now!


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