Thursday, August 12, 2010

Stuff and Anniversary stuff and stuff.

Hey everyone! Tomorrow is the last day to take advantage of my commission sale going on right now. Refer to a few posts ago to see the flyer stating my prices. Do it now! I got a ton I am already working on, including a major project for someone that gives me mondo props and cash for upcoming events (thanks to you!). So please take advantage now!!!

So been busy this week. I did two new prints that I will color soon, as well as three Anna pages. And now I am cranking on these commissions as I have quite a few to go through. But there's always room for more!

This coming Sunday is my seventh year anniversary to my lovely bride. I could write a long blog about how much she means to me, but I'd rather save it for her in person. In its place, I'll share some pics taken that day, seven years ago on our wedding day. Here ya go:

Also been cleaning, straightening things and tossing random stuff that has been piling up around the house. Little projects, little seeds planted.

Anyway, thanks for reading. Have a great weekend everyone!


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