Sunday, August 22, 2010

Contest and general update.

Happy Sunday everyone! Hope yer weekend is going well. The wife has been working a crapload of shifts this week but luckily starting tomorrow, she has 7 days off! So we plan to take a trip to her parents for a quick visit, me catch up on ANNA and other stuff we keep putting off. Wish us luck. I am almost done with commissions and I hope to get them all in the mail on Monday. I worked hard this weekend to get them caught up and I emerged successfully. Only a couple more to do tonight and it is complete.

(But thats not to say that I am NOT taking more! :) If you want one, contact me and we'll talk!)

I am holding a sort of mini-contest right now. I am assembling new and old stuff, color stuff, sketch stuff, process stuff and tons of things ya all have never seen from the past. I am putting it together in a nicely bound 100-150 page Artbook to be released early next year. It will have homages to comics, film and tons of girlie pics to boot. A total non-stop collection of my work and showcasing who I am and where I have evolved as an artist over the last 30 years. SO--what I am doing is opening up the lines to take suggestions as to the title of said book. Got any ideas? Email me. The winner chosen will get the first one sent to them for FREE! (Its gonna be a $20-25 dollar book!) I'll even toss a sketch in the book for you. So send me your title ideas to -- And if I pick yours, you win. This contest will be ongoing throughout the fall, unless I get a suggestion that just totally rocks my world, in which case I will let you all know that the contest is done. So, good luck! And I appreciate any thoughts or suggestions you may have for the book. Not only title, but what are you looking for in the book? I got my own plans for it, but if you give me a suggestion for that, I certainly will consider it! (oh, you also will get a credit in the title page for conceiving the name! Word!)

This week I picked up NEXTWAVE the ultimate edition and am reading that on my downtime away from the table. Also scored my first DRUUNA book by Serpieri. Other recent buys are RAMBO 4 extended cut on BR and ROB ZOMBIE LIVE CD (not that great and am gonna sell it). Lastly, I got a rare disc of John Lennon's last interview ever taken on the day he was shot. It was issued in an edited form on his first post-death album "MILK AND HONEY" but I got this. Glad I did because its the complete interview and I can avoid having to sit through Yoko's songs to get to his songs instead. :) Meanwhile, I'm rewatching my GAMERA and GODZILLA MST3K bootlegs, STAR TREK TNG season 3, and pre-season NFL. Lions won yesterday, so YAY!!!!!!!!!

Well, I got a turkey in the oven and the wife has concerts tonight. I got commissions and pages to work on. I'll leave ya'll to the rest of your weekend. Take care folks!


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