Saturday, August 28, 2010

Imac RIP

Hey everyone. A post-script about a post I made earlier this week, the imac froze up and its completely dead. I cannot get it to reboot. Luckily, I did bother to make a dvd full of all my files from my computer. Including recent prints, comic work and more that I have been doing. But all my installed programs, Mp3s, etc, all gone. No big deal. I think the plan now is that I am gonna order a new Hard Drive from online and this friend of the wife's is going to be in the area around Sept. 3rd to help me install it. He's an expert at such things and I am afraid I'd break the fucking thing more than it already is. and I ain't about to pay GEEK SQUAD $200 an hour to do it for me. I'll take my chances elsewhere with a friend and buying him lunch for his hard work. And toss him some comics too.

So I guess that if I don't respond to any comments, emails or anything as quickly as normal, please forgive me for the next week. I will have the wife's PC laptop, which is a pain in the arse, but doable. I also have my blackberry and I will try to reply quickly to things via that. But all else will have to wait.

RIP my new IMAC. I hope I can resurrect the carcass and put a new soul into you and we can start fresh and anew.

Cheers, T

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