Friday, August 27, 2010

The week of workie poos.

Hey everyone! Enjoying vacation week with the wife and kid. Getting some stuff done around the house and artwork-wise too!

On Tuesday, we went to visit my In-laws in Detroit. They moved into a nicer place in a wayyyyyyyyy nicer part of town. We grilled out and had a great time. The drive and the visit sucked our whole day away. I got home in time to run the SABO show for Lee, who was outta power.

Wednesday, We went to K-zoo and I got comics. Then a glorious nap and then watched movies with the wife till late night and then passed out.

Thursday, I did errands with the wife and pencilled 5 pages on Anna! (YAY! I NEEDED THAT!) Then nap, boozing and other such fun.

Today, I am working on inking the Anna pages. I've got about eight more to go after these are complete! I am also gonna work on organizing the 3rd bedroom closet full of my crap and see what other drawing I can get done tonight. Tomorrow the wife leaves town to visit friends, leaving the Bots and I to draw and watch cartoons together. All in all, a fun week so far! And its nice not having the interruption of the day job at all this past week! YAY!

This week I also had an idea pop in my head about a couple projects coming in the near future. First of all, I am assembling a "GREATEST HITS" CD of our IDIOTHEAD band songs. I am taking each song into garage band and bumping up the sound quality as much as I can. I did our song FLABBY GIRLS recently and it sounds much doper than before! I will create new artwork and packaging for the release and hopefully it will be for sale in the store by Xmas. I will have the CD/Digital Download option for those that buy. Many people haven't heard my band stuff so this is a great opportunity to hear its "greatness" finally. Yeah. You've been warned!

Also the other thing is a horror comic project that I will start on immediately after ANNA is done. I had considered taking a year off from sequential work to focus on prints and other things but this concept is sooooo perfect for me and my style/humor that its too hard to pass up doing it right away. I will not reveal too much yet, but lets just say its a total throwback to the 1980's in concept and feel. And it has to do with my favorite subgenre of horror movies! (and there's boobs) So look for an announcement on that closer to when I get some of the artwork in the can. I sketched out the story outline this last week and its quite good. The comic should be around 40-80 pages. Oh, and the book will be in color. :)

I guess thats all I will cock tease you with right now. Have a great weekend everyone!!!


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