Wednesday, August 04, 2010

Its almost that time! (plus other junk)

Oh yes... it is coming. Next Saturday....


Pre-season starts next Saturday and I am rock hard excited. I took every Sunday off this year cause of football (and deadline for a project I am working on). So I am definitely going to be watching every game I can. Because I live an hour from Chicago, the Bears are the team that dominates my local sports channels. The only time I get to see the LIONS play, is when they are playing the Bears! So I am considering getting a sports package to where I will not miss a game. Usually each year, I catch one here and there and never miss the Super Bowl. This year, I am gonna watch as much as possible! And of course, I will be rooting for my two teams: The LIONS and the BROWNS. Say what you will, but I am no fair weather fan. When they finally dominate, I will be there to say that I was there when it was 0-16, to when they finally won a damn Bowl! (Or even got into the playoffs!)

Something about football man. Each year, I live in my nerd cave and never go beyond it and sit here debating who is better: Kirk or Picard. But when football season comes on, its like I instantly grow mass amount of pubes, drink beer with wings and start screaming at my TV. You know, like every other "man" in America.

But I digress. Its gonna be an exciting year for sports and I. I'm gonna go hardcore just like I used to be back in High School. I'm gonna memorize the players and stats and debate like I used to. Football season 2010, here I come! And it feels good to be back.

In other news, I am getting the Codester this weekend. I had hoped to get him for a full week or two but schedules wouldn't allow it. I think we're gonna hit the Lansing zoo when we get him on Friday. I love zoos.

I finished three new ANNA POCALYPSE pages this week. I got about 15 more to go and then the art is done. Plus some pinups and extra crap for the tradebook. I also want to do up a couple more large print ideas I have floating around. But I think for the most part I am gonna take my weekend off and spend it with family.

The wife got transferred to a different Walgreens. New challenges, new people. She's gonna rock it, I am sure. In addition, we got some new blood at my store as well. So some excitement and shaking up at the day job. We need it.

Shane and I recorded a new podcast. Download it at the link on the main page!

I sent my table $ in, locking me for the DETROIT FANFARE show Halloween Weekend. I am excited to be doing one more show to round out my year. And STAN FUCKIN' LEE will be there! So make plans now to come on out!

I may put some more stuff up on ebay this next week cause the sale going on. So I will let you all know if I do.

I guess thats about it for now. Thanks for reading, and have a week!


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