Tuesday, August 17, 2010

Rising to the challenge!

First off, thanks all for the comments, mails and well wishes on my Anniversary. We both appreciate it! I've survived fooling my lovely bride one more year of putting up with my funny book makin' ass. Here's to many more!

Something I've been thinking about lately is this:

Every year they do this thing called 24 Hour Comic Book day. Traditionally it is where you have a comic shop as a host and they have creators come in and for 24 hours straight, they make a comic. And then it is submitted to an anthology project that is sold in a book nationwide. I've had friends do it and I've heard positive and negative experiences from it. Anyway, I've been thinking a lot about it and maybe even possibly doing it. However, I am not interested in making a 24 hour comic. I would work on artwork for my current work and comics for an entire 24 hour period. I've thought about inviting close artist friends to be here with me and do it with me. I've also thought about shooting it as a documentary for the idiothead.com website, a podcast or just stream the whole thing live through my ustream channel. I am putting my feelers out now to see if anyone wants to contribute to it and be a part of it. I'm tossing out emails to close friends to see if anyone wants to participate with me. We'll see. I for one am very interested in the challenge and to actually see if I can make it 24 hours solid. If nothing else, it certainly will catch me up on work!

Speaking of work, I got a TON of it that I am trying to buzz through this week. Commissions, prints and such. I had to stop on ANNA pages till I get that done. But hopefully by Monday I will emerge triumphant and be back on schedule.

While working I've watched some new stuff. I checked out the first six episodes of MAD MEN, and to be honest, it didn't grab me for some reason. Most of the characters I just couldn't get behind their motivations and self destructive attitudes. I found no one to "root for." So maybe another time. I also rented PARANORMAL ACTIVITY, which was scary as shit! HOT TUB TIME MACHINE was surprisingly funny. I felt it lost momentum in the second half when it started to turn into SERENDIPITY or something like that. but pick it up for a few yucks early on. Some nice cameos in it too. Lastly, I went to the theater last night to see THE EXPENDABLES. Total action, throwback to the 80's action genre of cliches with a modern feel. I felt like I needed a bit more one liners, less CGI blood effects and a tad more clarification on motivations of the characters. But try it did and it was definitely watchable. Go see it if you get the chance.

I'm re-watching some stuff the rest of this week, some stuff I haven't seen in a while. And once I get out of the deadlines looming, its back to dark action movies to finish ANNA POCALYPSE for good. But the new prints I am working on as well are AWESOME! Wait till you see em! Deeply cool. I hope you all will agree. I've had a huge response to the SUPERFRIENDS FAMILY GUY one all over. So it seems I am striking gold here and there. Just gotta keep digging!

Anyway, I'm burnin' daylight. Back to work with me!

Cheers, T


Unknown said...

You were scared by "Paranormal Activity"?!? C'mon. 90 minutes of watching people sleep (and occasionally watching someone who was watching someone sleep). Total waste of my time!! I was VERY disappointed, for numerous reasons.

Phymns said...

I'll admit I found the boyfriend VERY annoying. The only time I was scared was when the sleeping was happening. The activity was scary as shit. If I saw that I'd poo myself a 100 times! but the whole time I was thinking: "GET THE FUCK OUT!" Why didn't they leave for God's sake!?!?!? GAH!