Tuesday, September 07, 2010

LIONS GAME and the big move part 89...

Its official! I'm going to see the Lions play the Jets on Nov. 7th! My pal Jim helped score us tickets and we're all gonna be there in the 4th fuckin' row! Thats right. 4th row from the field! Damn close! Not bad for my first professional football game! Mucho thanks to Jim for scoring the tickets and its gonna be a long 2 months to wait till we get to go! Me very excited!

In other news, I guess BIG news is that yet another relocation may very well be in my future. We've become quite disenfranchised with the area of St. Joseph as of late. No friends locally, no family, no jobs available and other such things. Also we've noticed the complete racial segregation and tons of absolute rude people around here. I mean, RUDE people! Just assholes. All old retirees who just are grouchy and snide. It gets sickening at times. Not to say EVERYONE here is like that, but a good portion, it seems. Also we have a desire to move a tad closer to the old homestead of Mt. Pleasant because we are responsible for my brother's care once my parents pass on. And I want to take a more active role in that. Also, I feel as though we've used the last 4 years as down time to start a family and are now ready to go back out into the hustle and bustle and start living my life once again.

So we searched around and found a possibility that the wife can transfer to the Lansing district with Walgreens. Lansing. I was born there. and talk about activity! MSU campus, tons of comic shops, tons of job opportunity and practically the only growing job market in all of Michigan! There's tons of family oriented activities to do such as the zoo, community activities and such. Not to mention I am an hour away from my old friends, comic cons in the Michigan area and a link to the pipeline of working with people my age and getting a comic group together again. My pal Dean lives in the area so D&D might happen again. Who the fuck knows, right? The sky is the limit man!

To say that I am excited about the possibilites is an understatement. Its like emerging from under a rock that I've been in since I've become unemployed. I welcome change, wholeheartedly. So from now till Mid-November, we are gonna toss about 1/3 to 1/2 of our crap, and save up $$$ like hell! We got alot to pay for and get. Also we gotta secure a place and all that stuff. One last major hurdle to this whole thing blocks our way before it would indeed become "official." I'll let you know if and when that happens and how you can help.

All in all, its an exciting time in my life. I welcome a nice change of pace. Either get busy living, or get busy dying. and I ain't ready to croak yet.


To say the idea

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