Sunday, September 05, 2010

Workin' hard and hardly workin'....

Yo yo. Just me checking in. Been busy working on commissions and figuring out INDESIGN, which I am creeping up on.

I was filling out my "TO DO" list today, something I hang by my desk and check off things that I get done. Makes me feel productive. But I noticed today that I wrote "Check Sunday ads and Stock up on Toilet Paper." Instantly I recognize how old I feel as a result. Where something like that is on my TO DO list. Wow. Just wanted to note that.

I'm working out details but its quite possible that the wife and I might be going to a Live DETROIT LIONS game with a pal of mine. I'll tell you all when plans are finalized and when we are going. Either way, I am excited about it!

I wanted to mention quickly that I got this plan of watching one horror movie per day throughout the month of October. I may make it a tradition for myself. I have a crapload of horror movies at my house but there's always room for more. If you all want to toss out suggestions, I'll load them up on my NETFLIX cue and rock it during that month. So hit me up with some suggestions of horror movies to watch. And please do not list the following: CHAOS, DEATH BED: THE BED THAT EATS PEOPLE, and SPRING BREAK MASSACRE. Cause I watched all those recently and they were crap.

I leave you now with some recent pics taken at my house. One of me as a Jedi. And two of the bots. Enjoy!

Thanks for reading! Hit me up with your horror movie ideas either here, twitter, facebook or email! YAY!


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