Wednesday, September 08, 2010


Yeah, I cannot believe I typed that title either. But he released an official statement less than an hour ago and it isn't April Fool's Day. For now, it seems as though it is indeed true.

Who was the first to tell me? Shane, naturally. He was the first person to introduce me to Dream Theater. I fell in love with Mike Portnoy's drumming man. Although not a drummer myself (I dabble here and there), I just saw his enthusiasm for music and the work ethic he put into everything he does. From Dream Theater to all his side projects. He is just a complete and total inspiration to me of the type of person I would love to be. Even though our crafts are different indeed.

Its funny how I am talking about this as though he died, but in many ways it sorta is a death. Mike is going on to other projects, sure. But it won't be the same. Nothing ever will be. I hold out hope that the band can work out whatever internal differences this brought on and take a break and then come back with Portnoy hugging the guys and all will be okay. There is that possibility. Cause a Dream Theater album without their chief songwriter, arranger, fan manager, spokesman, energy and heart is nothing. Maybe I am wrong, and I am just writing out of sadness and anger at it all, but its how I feel right now. Its just so unexpected and left field. Like this should never have happened. But it is... for now anyway.

Whatever way this goes, I wish them all the best of luck and I hope that the dream can continue in the future. I will follow them all wherever they go. But once again, I am left feeling that again... all my favorite bands are either broke up, on indefinate hiatus or dead. And it saddens me no end. (sigh)

Pic of me and Mike when I met him this past year. Truly a great dude to come out and hang with us fans. I wish you luck sir. The spirit carries on.

(Shane and I will be recording the next episode of the podcast this Saturday and no doubt will be discussing this in depth!)


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