Thursday, September 16, 2010

wayyyyy more than you care to know about me...

Went today to Lansing to look at apartments. We looked at 5-6 or so. Ended up the first one we looked at is our likely best bet just for the price alone. We're not 100% happy with the layout, but it will do. And its the smarter option for now. We need to save some $$$ for me a new car, so this is the best chance for that. We will know for sure 100% if we got it maybe tomorrow or monday at the latest.

Problem is, my stomach problems got in the way of our looking. The whole time, my left side was uncomfortable and at times, painful. So much so that I did agree to hit a walk-in clinic on the way home. We did and they run an EKG, Xrays and all sorts of test and could find nothing MAJOR wrong with me. and surprisingly with my weight and all, my stats are close to normal. So thats reassuring for the long run for now. But still, the ache remains when I sit. The problem (cover your eyes for those who don't want to know more about me than they care to) is constipation. Major. Big time. Xrays showed tons of hard clay poo in there. So I am stuffed full of stool softeners, ex lax and prune juice to clean me out. Yeah, that means more pain for my precious nether-hole, but I got Preperation H on hand and ready. The pain on my left side is likely backed up, hard bowel obstruction in my large intestine. So maybe after a couple hours here, I will be "cleaning house."

Wish me luck. The good news at least is that my stats appear normal. And considering I am a man in the "morbidly obsese" catagory, thats not bad. I'll take that. PLUS---the doctor's scales show me down another 5 pounds from where I was! I guess everytime I change diet I always will have this. I need to be more conscious of what I am doing now that I am getting older. I had a huge salad yesterday, and been eating well for 5 days now. That is probably whats throwing my system out of whack.

Anyway, enough about my colon, on to some GOOD news!!!!

1-As of last night, the art on ANNA POCALYPSE is FINISHED!!!!!! YAY! Now I just gotta scan the last 20 pages, color 30 pages or so and do the dialog. And then put it all together and she be done! Maybe release around Xmas if I am lucky, so save yer pennies! Makes a great stocking stuffer! All in all, it should be around 80 pages.

2-I started work on my next comic project. I did a loose pass at the script then a tighter first draft. I'm gonna take another pass at it and then get it going. I'm already doing lots of research and character sketches. I will release a photo of these character sketches on here at my blog very soon, so keep checking back! Lets just say fans of boobies and horror movies will be very pleased with what I got planned!

3-After having to cancel DETROIT FANFARE for halloween weekend, it was decided that with the move, the wife can take the time off indeed. So I contacted them and its back on. I WILL be at the DETROIT FANFARE comic con in Dearborn, MI on Halloween weekend. So make plans to come out and see me! (and bring spare change to score some stuff from me as all the funds I make there goes to printing ANNA POCALYPSE and to the new apartment!) Mucho appreciate!

4-We officially move in to the new Lansing place on Nov. 1st. Details to come but its 100% definite! We're excited!

Okay, thats all I know. Thanks for reading through this difficult blog. Excuse me now, as I have to spend the next 10 hours on the toilet. Yum.


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