Sunday, October 03, 2010

Post "24 Hour Comic Day" newsings

I found this pic from my phone from the WALL concert. Its a look at my beer from the ledge where I stood to enjoy the concert. Check that baby out. Hell of a view.

Well, 24 Hour Comic Day came and went. I had considered seeing if I could join my pal Dean at his comic shop he goes to in Lansing, but apparently, I would have to register or something so just "showing up," especially when they don't know me (YET!), would have been awkward or bad. So instead I went with my first idea. I recorded three total events yesterday, one of which I deleted cause it was a test run. The second was an hour and a half of me coloring a page with flats. Not really that interesting unless you like seeing that sort of thing. Then I took a two hour break to eat and spend time with the wife. Then returned to pencil a page live. Unfortunately, my camera is at the top of my Imac and you cannot see me as I draw. Only the top of my head as I look down at the page. But periodically I lift up the page to show you what I am doing as I do it and its progress. It makes for (what I feel) a quite uninteresting hour of watching. But you want to watch it for the end because I reveal the name of my new project and show some character sketches and pages from it! So maybe skip to the last ten minutes! To watch these extremely awesome videos and others, visit my ustream site HERE.

In retrospect, I think next year I will opt to take part in an actual 24 hour comic day. Just to see if I can actually do it. I couldn't fully participate this year because of the kid and the wife had to work. Next year, I will take full advantage for sure.

Anyway, I inked the page I pencilled last night an hour later or so. It came out pretty good. I'm happy with it. Today: More pencilling, coloring and I got this idea for a sweet DOCTOR WHO print. Wish me luck. I'm gonna get rocking on it right now.

Hope everyone is having a great weekend. Get back to it!

Luvs, T

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