Saturday, October 09, 2010

Saturday, Saturday, Saturday, Saturday...

(Title sung in the Elton John song reference...)

Hello all. There's been an increase in readership and emails in this blog and my website hits as well. I want to thank you for checking my ass out and that you keep coming back for more as often as you do! I really appreciate the dedication and thoughts you put toward me and my verbal shitstorm that I spew from my mind-hole. I've tried to keep entertaining you, and keep giving you all "inside info" on me and what I do. And I've avoided those old motivational or political blogs that I used to go off onto. So I am glad people like the adjustment. Its been a long while since I've done those type of things. I'll keep up my end, promise.

I've been sorta sick off and on this last week. Lots of allergy headaches and colds. Sneezes, coughs, etc. I've sorta strayed from the diet a bit (damn McDonalds and their Monopoly game!) but I am still off of Coke and Mt. Dew. Haven't touched them in months. I have been drinking sprite kinda regular now. I know thats soda, but not nearly as bad as those others I mentioned. Starting today, I am going walking and lifting weights to get ready for the huge move to come. I am severely out of shape and I intend to get my muscles at least up to the challenge of the move to come. Twenty-two short days, folks.

To say we are excited beyond all comprehension is a severe understatement. When the move is finalized, I shall open wide the floodgates and spill all the reasons as to why our move is great for us. For now, eyes are watching and I cannot give some of the inside reasons as to why the area has diminished in our eyes. Lets just say this has all been coming for a while and we cannot wait to close the book and move on to the next chapter. Nuff said.

Yesterday, we tossed out a lamp, an end table, a huge desk we no longer need and two huge boxes of trash, clothes and other things we don't need. I sold a bunch of stuff on ebay as you recall, but they took the sellers fees out of the wrong account, making my personal bank account minus, plus the bounce fees. So that sucked up ALL of my profit from ebay. So Ebay, a lost cause. I'll never sell there again. Its a huge pain in the ass really. I can see maybe selling maybe one or two things, but never a stack of 10-20 things at once like that again. Its a crap-shoot.

I picked up some Cds: Slayers REIGN IN BLOOD, MONSTER BALLADS (thanks to the wife), 2Pac R U STILL DOWN and Dr Dre THE CHRONIC. I watched MOUNTAINTOP MOTEL MASSACRE (Piece of shit) and GRINDHOUSE BR this past week. I got THE GATE coming via netflix today! :)

Okay folks, thats it. Thanks for reading and I got a crap ton to do today. More drawing, commissions and some website work to come. Stay tuned!


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