Monday, October 18, 2010

Top favorite Actors list.

I've been trying to come up with an entertaining list for you all, since I am all about lists. And here's one I don't think I've done yet. While I know I am writing this as I go, I fully acknowledge that I know I will leave a ton of people off of it, and I reserve the right to edit it later if I forget someone. I have so many, but these are the cream of the crop. My criteria is that I would watch a movie I was not interested in purely cause they were in it.


Jack Nicholson - What can you say? He's great. He can act, but like John Wayne, he's a personality in each movie. When he smiles, you smile. You know he's gonna say something great. He's just wonderful. Best works: The Shining, About Scmidt, As Good as it Gets

Brad Dourif - The dude is one of my favorites. He is just great in anything and is really intense. Best: Lord of the Rings, Spontaneous Combustion, Exorcist 3, and yes, even STAR TREK VOYAGER.

Roddy McDowell - I've always been a fan of his from back when I was a kid. He's just great. One of my favorites of all time. Best: Legend of Hell House, Planet of the Apes, Fright Night

Malcolm McDowell - Again, one of my absolute favorites. I've seen almost all of his flicks, even the bad ones just cause he was in it. Best: Clockwork Orange, Caligula, Time after Time

Don Knotts - One of my favorites from my childhood and for all time. He was just great. I still watch the Andy Griffith show for him alone. Best: How to frame a fig, Private Eyes, Ghost and Mr. Chicken

Charlie Chaplin - Fuck Jim Carrey. He's the funniest guy that ever is, was or will be. Best: Gold Rush, Great Dictator

Robert Downey Jr - I'm so glad he got his life back together and is getting the acolades that he so deserves now. Best: Nat. Born Killers, Chaplin, Iron Man

Johnny Depp - I like this dude simply for the research and slants he takes on his roles. He's an artist at his craft and stays out of the Hollywood BS. I love this man. Best: Ed Wood, Edward Scissorhands

Sylvester Stallone - Gotta have an action star in here and for me, Stallone was always my favorite over Arnold. He's a great writer and just makes movies fun. Best: Rocky 1-6, Rambo 1-4, Cliffhanger, Over the Top... hell, ALL of his movies.

William Shatner - Yeah, I know. but credit where credit is due, he makes me watch crap movies simply cause he's in it. That was my criteria. And he's made some BAD movies. But his performance as Kirk made me who I am today. Word. Best: Kingdom of the spiders, Boston Legal and that other thing.

John Wayne - I grew up with him and its necessary to have him on the list. Watching him reminds me of my father. Maybe thats why I get emotional when I watch his movies. Best: McLinktok, The Searchers, The Shootest, True Grit, Stagecoach, Big Jake. All of them. Except the Ghengis Khan one.

There ya go.


D N Armstrong Jr. said...

I like many of your choices. Except that one of Depps best roles was as Raoul Duke. He blew that outta the park.

Anonymous said...

Ah yes. Good point.

Christian Kaw said...

Where's Jonathan Frakes? Heh, just kidding. Cool list.