Tuesday, November 09, 2010

LANSING so far...

Well, one week into the new place and I gotta say that I have fell head over heels in love with the area. Everyone is nicer, restaurants foods taste better and are not sloppily prepared. The city has its problems, sure but the good I have gained so far has far outshined that. Glad this opportunity came to us. The only problems we have right now is my unemployment is in flux. I had to quit the one day a week (where I wasn't getting scheduled anyway) Walgreens job and anytime you leave a job while on unemployment, you lose it. So I am appealing to see if I can get it retained. It should not be a problem due to the fact that I was forced to relocate due to my wife's job and the great distance to the old job makes it unfeasible to continue employment there. So hopefully this will all work out.

Right now, all I got is commissions to keep me financially afloat, which I HIGHLY appreciate!! I am doing a bunch for my clients overseas, and they are being very very good to me! If you are thinking about getting yourself some art for the holiday season, please, don't hesitate to ask! I'm likely going to announce a holiday season commission sale soon to help generate funds and keep food on my table till this whole thing irons out. And who knows? Maybe I'll finally score that job I have been wanting and all will be okay! But for now, I gotta keep swimming or go down with the Titanic. I appreciate the thoughts, folks.

Hung out with my pal Dean for a bit yesterday. I was finally able to check out that Clem's comic shop downtown, as well as an art supply store down there. Maybe tonight I will venture out some more, but no guarantees. I'm trying to talk myself out of going to get Doctor Who season 5 on Bluray while its on sale this week, in an effort to keep saving funds for whatever is to come. I hope and pray that this Unemployment sneeze works its way out. I think it will. But doubts sink in and its doubts that include fears of not putting food in my kid's mouth. Scary shit. But for now, we be okay.

I don't want this to seem like a downer post. Its actually a happy one. Cause despite this snafu, we are quite happy with this big change. Once we get settled and stable, we will be able to enjoy the perks of living in our State Capital. Word to yer mutha.

I guess thats all I got folks. I got a TON of work to do this week. Lots of commission work and coloring Anna needs to happen or else I am sunk behind again! Wish me luck that I crawl out by the weekend and have all this stuff done!

Cheers, T

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