Wednesday, November 03, 2010


Well, we did it. We've made it. I'm blogiddy to the blogging from our glorious State Capital here in Lansing, Michigan. We loaded up the truck starting at 7:30 and was done by 10:30. We had to vaccum the place and drop off the cable box, and were on the road by 11:30. We arrived and unloaded by 4:30. My folks arrived around 2pm and watched the kid while we finished up. We've only now sorta got everything sorted and up to 75% of normal. Getting there!

Some things that have went wrong: Our bedroom TV broke somehow. So we gotta get a new one. Our poor cats keep howling loud each night. Except our oldest, Jake. He's laying around quiet as usual. Molly however is driving me nuts and waking us up at 4-5am. The little bitchy. And I set up Comcast (got transferred to 5 different people I might add) to get our cable and internet, but I guess the gal I talked to set up some deal that is not available in our area so they cancelled our order. No notice. Stuff was supposed to be hooked up on Tuesday, but they quoted me Friday or Monday. I bitched them out and got a discount and a thursday guarantee out of the deal. This is the SECOND TIME that Comcast has done this. I'm not happy about it, but I'll deal with it I guess. The wife needs the Jewelry channel and I need the net for my business. So whatever. You win Comcast. But you fucks need to get your shit together.

So far, the town has treated us awesome! I mean, we've stopped into stores and restaurants and the food is plumper and fresher. The people are super nice and friendly. They don't have that tone of voice saying they hate their life and job. My folks experienced this as well. I haven't got the chance to venture out too much but this week I will. I know the Lansing hot spots that interest me mostly already. I will go out later this week after things get settled. I will also post pics and possibly video of the new place.

Well, I am off now to get to work on finishing this place, calming Molly's ass down and finishing commissions. Talk soon.

Cheers, T

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