Tuesday, November 16, 2010

What What, In the Butt?

Two blogs back to back? How lucky you are! How wonderful for you!

Well, got our kitchen table and chairs that we ordered online and I assembled them today. Our home is mostly complete. YAY! Also finished the commissions last night. I had to draw lots of girls and inking them took quite a while. The good news is I got hired for more and its paying my bills. WORD! I will likely do one more commission sale before the year is out for those who are seeing a nice Xmas present of art. Also, expect a presale announcement of Anna within the next week. I should be done with it for good very soon.

The Beatles are now available on Itunes, as it was announced today. I find myself asking lots of things, like what are things going to be 5-10-20 years from now. Should I just go all digital now and toss all my Cds? I'm thinking about it somewhat. I got some that I would NEVER sell, but I think the majority I could get rid of. Its a real head adjustment for me, a guy who loves shelf porn. I honestly am even considering getting rid of all my action figures in the box. Yes, even the STAR TREK ones. I just don't need them and they take up space. I enjoy them, but to what end? I could take that money and put it toward bills or get things that the kid or all the family could enjoy. I dunno. I need to do some soul searching about it. Decide what I want to do about it.

I got a small $15 purple pre-lit Xmas tree yesterday. It stands in our living room/Kitchen counter for extra decoration. I am really excited about Xmas coming up. I want to build good memories for the bots that I missed out on after I was nine. (all the fault of that kooky religion I was a part of.)

On a side note, I checked out Adam Warren's comic, EMPOWERED. That book is wonderful. If you are anti-superhero and like some T&A and fun writing, check it out. I recommend.

Okay, I got stuff to do and thinking to do. If you got opinions on what I should do with the CD.DVD thing, hit me up. I would love some opinions. Keep them or go digital. Thats my question.

Cheers, T

1 comment:

finnstrip said...

If you wanna save room and stuff I'd say go digital.

CD's and DVD's aren't worth crap. Super-tigerdragon-ninja OVER produced stuff which is always @ bargain bin after month or two anyways...