Monday, May 13, 2013

Updates and Chapter 2 of STARSLAM!!!

Above: A sneak peek (spoiler and boob free) of the upcoming pages from CHAPTER TWO of my erotic webcomic: STARSLAM!!! We finished chapter one this week. So the first page of the new chapter will premiere next week Monday. We introduce some bad guys and new players in the game. Plus, a bit more to what the effects of the first chapter will have on her and the team. Oh, and more boobies and penises! I can't wait for you all to see it. (Um, adults only, BTW!!!) So far, the feedback on the series is awesome! I wanna keep increasing traffic to the site, so keep spreading the word! This comic is yours as much as it is mine!

In appearances news: I will NOT be at MOTOR CITY CON this weekend. Some mix up on the badges. Long story. But thats okay. The Expendables trade isn't back from the printer yet, so we'll make it another time. Instead I am going to HEROES CON!!!!!!!! No, I am not setting up. But I am going as a fan. Kind of looking forward to it too, because the three times I've went, I've always manned a table and couldn't look around and talk to people. This time, I will. I'm excited about going! I need the vacation. But if you are going and want to get a commission from me to pick up at the show, email me and we can discuss. We'll meet up and you can get the piece in person! All $$$ right now goes to my trip so extra commissions are appreciated!

I got my big sketch card set this week so I have been busy working on those. I don't think the company has announced what artists are on it yet, so I have to keep it secret for now. But having great fun with it!

Still planning on WIZARD WORLD CHICAGO in August. Make plans to come out and see me! My last appearance for the year!

I was thumbnailing out new ANNA 2 pages this week as well. So that is progressing as well. No worries!

Okay, thats all I know for now. Make sure you are keeping up with my IDIOTHEAD MORNING SHOW PODCAST (downloadable through Itunes or!! I usually do three a week. I appreciate you keep checking back with me. Thanks everyone!

Much love, T

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