Thursday, June 20, 2013

Man of Steel, Writing and Reading. Of things to come.

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Hello cats n’ kittens! How goes it all? Over here in Castle Adam its swell. Took a couple days off from artworking after the mad sprint that was getting commissions and the Star Wars cards done. But I am ready to get back at it tonight. I have to work on new prints for upcoming comic convention appearances. I got some great ideas. We’ll be doing some larger ones this year as well, same price point. Also looking to finally reprint Pleasant Life and Anna Pocalypse 1 trades. HOPEFULLY have them in time for the Wizard World show, but I doubt it. Money is tight lately and reprinting them isn’t high on the priority list. But they will be back in print sometime this year for you to get directly through my online store. 

The wife recently accepted a new job position as store manager of a newer chain of stores called FIVE BELOW. Its basically a "Spencers" for 7-14 year olds. Toys, stickers, posters, clothes, etc, for that age range. They are building a new building to house the store literally 3 miles from our home.  She leaves Walgreens next week and immediately goes into training for her new position. Its the same rate of pay with monthly bonuses and better insurance. The insurance now covers autism issues even better than WG's did, so that is great news for us and Scotty's development. I'm very proud of her. Of course with her working on getting this store up and running, I don't get much chance to go to my part time job! I ain't going to complain much about that, however. I am gonna focus on getting work done and ready for my upcoming break from it all. And taking some time for myself!

Been watching episodes of M*A*S*H* and Toy Hunter. Catching up on podcasts and Howard Stern. I started reading again. I am reading some Jim Norton comedy books, a book about an ex-pornstar called “Girlvert” and I just got a collection of Neil Gaiman short stories called “Smoke and Mirrors.” Really into some reading lately. I’ve been seriously thinking about getting back into some novel writing. I have two main ideas (and three others in various stages) and I would like to complete at least one of them in the next year. My first one is a book based on my stories working in adult retail. Seems the #1 question I get is about those jobs and the weird situations I’ve had to encounter. I have quite a nice collection of stories and characters that I’ve never talked about. So I do plan to start on that straightaway. Of course, I don’t have an ending to the book yet, as I am still at one in a part time capacity.  But perhaps by the time I finish the bulk of the book I will have one. I have contacted a few local authors for advice on publishing and getting things like ISBN numbers and all that. I’ve collected all the links and advice and have sat them in a folder in my email for later reading and evaluation. But right now, I just have to get a first draft done. Then a revision or three. I really feel that this could be something cool.

Of course I’ve toyed with the idea of writing my great Trek novel as well. I got a couple doozy ideas. But I think I’d like to get this first one done and in print to build my chops up. I did write a novel a couple years back if you recall. It was a book called “IN THE TRENCHES: HOW TO SURVIVE AS A SMALL PRESS COMIC BOOK PUBLISHER,” and I provided a download link here on the site for free. I figured, I got the advice for free, why not pass it forward. I likely will do that one again and revise it a bit. And I might even make a printed version with pics and illustrations. But that’s for next year.

I’m just into the idea of slowing down the sequential and moving into the writing more. I’ve always felt that my writing is stronger than my art. Although the last 20 years has been mostly a focus on my art and its been a great journey. I have improved and learned so much. But I feel like my writing should get a fair shot now as well.

This is not to say that I am stopping doing comics. Not at all. I just wanna try this out too. It certainly wouldn’t take as long as doing a big graphic novel! So no worries. Starslam continues, and Anna Pocalypse 2 is still a thing. Not going to stop working on those. In fact, this week and next, I am going to be working on advance strips that will run during my upcoming break from it all. (We discussed this in a previous post) But during this time, I am going to continue reading and making notes and outlines and maybe a bit of typing on these books. I feel its the right time.

Anyway in other news, I saw Man of Steel in the theaters on opening night. I was blown away by it and quite enjoyed it. I had a smile on my face most of the time. I’ll admit Amy Adams didn’t do it for me, and the action was beyond anything I had ever seen before. But I saw small little homages to what came before. There was a point where Cavil raised his head into a light beam thingie and he looked just like Christopher Reeve. When he first starts learning to fly, we hear the same wind sound effect from the old George Reeves TV show. There are other homages but nothing over the top. I thought it was great. However the film really has divided the fans. Some love it, some hate it with a seething anger of Wagnarian standards. Well I do see everyone’s point. And if you asked me which was my favorite, I’d pick the Chris Reeve/Richard Donner version of the flicks at any time. But the base idea of going to the movies is to be entertained by something we’ve never seen before. And this was it for me. Krypton was awesome looking. I thought everyone acted great. Michael Shannon really impressed me with how awesome he looked. And his second in command was incredible as well. I didn’t mind the costume change or the bit of origin change at all. There were some actions Supes takes in the flick which goes against “traditional ideas” of what he “would and would not do.” And I see the argument against it. But I mean, we’ve seen 75 years of this other idea before. I would argue that this was made with modern sensibilities. And therefore I give it leeway. Cause it if was too similar in look, feel and tone to Donner versions, it wouldn’t have been its own thing and felt all “Superman Returns.” I liked it. Id like to see them make a Superman story set in the 40s. That would be great! But please, no more origin story. Lets do that part as read.

Anyway folks, that is what is on my spine flower today. Take advantage of this last minute drive for commissions at my old rate before they go up! Sale ends in August. Act quick! If the list grows too big, I’m gonna cut it off! EMAIL ME for ordering!

Thanks everyone.  Luvs, T

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