Sunday, June 23, 2013

Proud of my wife

I'm proud of my wife. Only one day to go and her dream comes true. She gets to be the full store manager of her own business. It will succeed or fail based on her. Sure she's nervous. But she's equally as excited. She starts Tuesday on her journey to be the full store manager of a new store being built here in town called FIVE BELOW. Basically a Spencers for 7-14 year olds. Name brand stuff, all $5 or below. Very cool place. I woulda shopped there when I was that age. I think people of my age can find something they like there too. They got toys and dvds. Word.

So this last week, my wife is working her last week at Walgreens. A place she's dedicated over 6 years of her life to. Worked her way up into top management. But because of politics and favoritism, she sought other employment and scored this new job. So this week, she's working and supervisors are coming into Walgreens for a visit. They say nothing to her. Not even a "Sorry you're leaving. Thanks for your hard work, good luck in all you do." Just fuckin' nothing. Such disrespect. At her level, she's basically the store manager and a glorified stock person. Always up and down tall ladders filling the shelves with over 200,000 products worth of shit. Dealing with idiot customers and employees who have so much laziness and drama, its not funny. And her supervisor does NOTHING to help the concepts. It all falls on her. 

And despite her store being the best looking, highest stats, she keeps getting passed up for promotion. Favoritism. She's not in the click. The person who recommends promotions around in this area, only promotes her friends. Even though their stats aren't as great and they have attitude problems. Typical. 

It reminds me of my dad. He worked in the oil field all his life. Broke his body to serve his job. He had pride in it. His name meant something. Companies fought for him to be employed for them. He made things happen. He was the fucking man. But he caught his boss stealing and his boss fired him before he could act. And then my dad decided to just retire. And everyone related to that world, even longtime friends of twenty years turned their back on him. Just easily replaced and forgotten. they got what they wanted out of him and left him. And now he's filled with nothing but regret for being gone for work so long and dedicated so much time that we barely saw him as us kids grew up. 

 Life is short. But its your life. Your dreams. Sure, take care of your family and provide a roof and food. But some things are more important than money. And when you think those people or places care about you? They don't. Cause when the chips are down, the true colors shine. Don't let them dull you. Let it go.

 I learned all of this the hard way early on. Every place I dedicated my life to, easily replaced me when I decided to move on down the trail. Some even hated me because I left, like I hurt them to make a decision that was best for me. Oh, I made lifelong friends at some of these places. Thats the best part. But dedicating your life to a job? Not worth it. Its a means to an end. Not the totalization of who you are. One thing you learn in life: Two things people can't tell you, ever... WHO you are, and WHAT YOU ARE WORTH. Thats for you to create. And when I drive by those places I spent so much time and dedication to, I am just filled with angry emotions and regret. Regret that I let it get to me and almost dictated my path in life. I'm glad I left it behind when I did. 

Walk on. 

I cannot tell you how many times I've been stuck in a job I've hated and just hating every second I am there. My whole day is spent thinking "I gotta go to that job in 2 hours.. 1 hour.." And at my age, I feel silly working for minimum wage, doing the things I do. And often I feel really lost. Like I'm 35 and I am stuck working with people who just were born when I graduated high school. And they say the same thing. "What are you doing working here?" Just so ended up that way. I just focused on the fact that I am bringing in money to help feed my family. Thats what this is about. But every now and then I'd work with someone I could get on with. Someone I could talk movies or music with. Someone I looked forward to working with if they were there. Cause if I saw them on the schedule or when I walked in the door, I knew I'd have a good night with no distracting myself with how much I hated what I was doing. A beautiful distraction. 

And time and time again, Those people will leave. Quit to get something else. Or move to find their next adventure. And each time, yeah I'm sad. But I'm also smiling. Cause they got it figured out. They are leaving to new things. New friends. They got out. They're going home from the war. Safe. They made it. They're off to something wonderful. Its hard to stay mad about that. I'm happy for them. And it makes me smile broadly to think of them happy in their new path. Cause I know one day I'll get that same chance. Just bide my time. Bide my time....


It is only after people get what they want from you that you are easily discarded. Forgotten. Treated like dirt. DO NOT DEDICATE YOUR LIFE TO PEOPLE OR PLACES THAT DO NOT SERVE YOU!!!! Its not worth it. I'm glad she's moving on. Its now that we see their true colors. And Walgreens just lost my money forever, and I urge you folks to consider the same for my sake.

If you are ever in the Lansing area, stop by the FIVE BELOW in TownCenter Blvd right by I-96/69, exit #93. Next to the Walmart, Pet store and Staples. Thats my wife's store. She earned it. We earned it. And it will succeed cause I know she can do it. And when it succeeds, we'll finally move on in other areas in our life. Bills paid. I can leave the day job life behind and focus 100% on being a dad and an artist. Thats the promise. Thats the deal. 

The wife is anxious and nervous for it all to work out. But I know it will. Fear of the unknown is what its all about. But its only after you leave your comfort zone, that you really begin to live. To coin a phrase from my childhood idol: "Risk is our business. Thats what (we're) about. Thats why we're out there!" 

So fuck places or people who don't really care about you when the chips are down. Don't live someone else's dream or life. Live your own. Find your dream and make it happen. Forget the fears and ignore the lust of the result. Just do it cause it feels right. And I'll smile broadly for you.

Onward and upward!


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