--I joined TWITTER. Find me here: http://www.twitter.com/adamtalley Feel free to follow me there as I'll post random thoughts/links throughout the day.
--As a result of joining TWITTER, somethings gotta give, so I opted to get rid of my myspace page. I prefer FACEBOOK anyhow. I will likely delete most content this week and just leave links to my website in its place. So just a heads up on me jumping ship. (Tired of the ads there!)
--My pals Brett Pinson, Eric Adams, Matt Feazell, Brian Maze and Tim Fischer will be at S.P.A.C.E. con in Columbus, OH this Saturday and Sunday. If you are in the area, stop by and pick something up from them!
--There's a delay in printing Pleasant Life: What We Leave Behind. Pre-orders have already been notified. Apparently, they changed the size specs for the page bleed and since I do have page bleeds, I need to resize every single page. All 182 of them! but I've already rebuilt new templates. Just gotta copy old page, paste and stretch to fit, re-pdf. No problem. Will take an afternoon though. I do encourage you to please pre-order it now however by going to my website at idiothead.com --Its the only sure way to make sure you get one, as I will have limited copies printed for now until next year when money is flowing a tad better.
--Sketchbook pre-orders were sent out two weeks ago and I got alot of positive responses on them. So much so, that I may do another one next year! We'll see. Start saving your pennies.
Okay, now to blog on BLUERAY....
Some of you might remember that during the HDDVD/BLUERAY format wars, I sided with HDDVD cause Paramount was 100% in favor of it and even released STAR TREK TOS on it only. Of course, I had to have it, so my loving wife got me an HD DVD player and the box set for Xmas! Then a month later, Disney and Universal jumped ship from Toshiba to Sony in some sort of slimy secret deal and HD DVD lost the format war. My player, all the discs I started buying, including my beloved STAR TREK were now obsolete.
Then I heard that STAR TREK TOS would come out on Blue ray. I was excited, but still my ass was sore from being burned by buying an obsolete machine I could not return. Well, now the day is upon us and STAR TREK TOS on Blueray comes out in a week or so. Here's a look at the cover art and a snippet from thedigitalbits.com:

"As I recall, there were select home theatre enthusiasts who swore up and down that HD-DVD was THE superior way to view these remastered episodes in high-definition - that Star Trek just could never get better on Blu-ray. This set is ABSOLUTE PROOF that they were wrong, just as we said here at The Bits at the time. CBS's new Star Trek: The Original Series - Season 1 is THE best argument for Trek fans to upgrade to the Blu-ray format you could ask for. Everyone who worked on this set should be proud. I can't WAIT to get my hands on Seasons 2 and 3 on Blu-ray (both of which are due in stores later this year). Simply put: This is just a superior TV on BD release and it's a must-have for every Trek fan. VERY highly recommended!"
I'll tell yeh, I have been kinda on the fence about Blueray. I have easily over 600 DVDs (which I will not rebuy! I don't have to anyway, cause of the signal boost the player will do anyway.) and I like simple DVDs. However, if Blueray catches on, and prices continue to lower, DVDs will go the way of the Betamax, the VHS, Cassette Tapes, 8 Tracks, Vinyl, etc. Its Cyclic.
However, there's this new thing called APPLE.TV that is getting big too. Concept being you buy stuff from Itunes apple and it stores in a harddrive and you recall it anytime you want. Like right now, I got a bunch of TV shows on my Itunes on my computer. I could have all of them stored and watch them on my TV instead of my computer. Bigger screen. Granted it might not be AS SHARP as a blueray, but I digress.
So which way to go? Get a blueray player or wait to see if actual discs go the way of the do do and get Apple.tv?
No one buys CDs anymore. They just download them through itunes or other shit (stealing). Me? I like buying Cds for the artwork, the actual physical thing in my hands, lyric books, etc. But I am in the minority in that respect. No one really cares about all of that. Most people I know steal songs and movies from the internet already. I do not. So honest fucks like me get raped by choosing the wrong side.... AGAIN!
I guess I got cold feet after the HDDVD debacle. But my initial reaction is to get a blueray player cause I like physcially OWNING something. Also I can travel with it. Also, the appeal of the DVD is the bonus content. Making of documentaries, commentaries, etc. You cannot get that through apple.tv. But only hardcore movie buffs like me care about that shit. The average watcher doesn't listen to commentaries or watch teh extras on the discs.
So I guess I am fucked. Damned if I do or don't. All I know is, I want my STAR TREK. Best possible version of it and tons of extras with it. Only way to get that is blueray player. Had the economy not become so sucky right now, bluerays would be taking over the world. (although sales are triple what they were 1st quarter last year.) So does technology fuck me or do people not wanting the finer things fuck me? No clue which way I'll get fucked this time.
But I hope at least this time... no matter which way I chose, that they use some lube.
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