Wednesday, February 29, 2012

FISHIES and other stuff.

Something I've been talking about daily on my TWITTER (follow will ya!) is my new fish tank! I must sound crazier than Mr. Limpet on there cause I'm always posting pics. Guess I am just excited about it. My parents had a fish tank when I was about 9-11 years old. I loved watching them swim. I had one in college but honestly never kept up with it. The fish eventually died and the tank broke at an ex girlfriend's storage room. Twelve years later, I really, REALLY wanted a new one. A nice one. I kept going into fish places, pricing out the stuff and looking at the fish. I just love watching them swim. Finally the other day the wife convinced me that now is the time to get one. The bots loves to watch them swim and I love watching them even more. So we got a nice tall 15 gallon tank. Here's the cats enjoying it...

We started the tank and gave it 36 hours of running before adding any fish. I got a Black Moor goldfish (a longtime favorite fish of mine), a water frog, 4 various tropical fish, a frog and a fuzzy moss ball to eat tank nasties instead of a Pacostomous. I invested in a lot of cleaning, foods and all sorts of stuff. Hardly any on decoration by comparison. But I am happy with it. We've had them up and active for almost 4 days now.

bad news is that today I woke up and found out my black moor has a cloudy eye. Also some various small fuzzy white spots on his body. So I took some of the water in for testing at the good ol' Pruess Pets in Lansing here and got the PH tested. The levels were fine but high in ammonia. From what I described, they said my fish possibly has ich. So I got medicine and a cleaning tube and started on what will be the 10 day cleansing cycle. I gotta drain 25% out, clean it all and then add the medicine and water treatment and refill. Everyday for ten days possibly. Hopefully this treats it nicely. I don't want my moor to be sick. Poor guy probably cannot see out that eye. :(

For anyone in the Michigan area: If you want the best pet service around, I highly recommend Pruess Pets. They got almost every animal you can imagine. Lots of snakes, turtles, spiders, birds, rabbits, ferrets, gerbils and TONS of fish! Saltwater and freshwater. Exotic fish. Man I could spend hours in there just looking at them and learning about them. I still plan to. Call it a new passion. I want another tank! A saltwater one! But I will get a larger one when we move to a more secure location. For now, this will do. I like the fish I got. I hope I can keep it green and going well. Here's a pic of the great GREAT pet store: Pruess Pets on the northside of Lansing off Cedar st.

One last note: Our water froggy disappeared! My thinking is that he jumped out and the cats got him. Its possible. I don't think the other fish ate him. Still, he was a cute little bugger. I miss him. :( I didn't want a casualty in my fish tank so soon already. As soon as all this Ich stuff is over, we'll get another one.


I picked up a couple den of sin shifts this week. Frankly we need the cash so I don't mind. I still hope to get some artworking done this week and next as shifts are somewhat sporatic and no major plans are forthcoming as far as houseguests or trips and the like. So no worries. Making that paper! I can only work like 9pm-close though cause of the wife's bedridden diagnosis.

Lastly, I read that Davy Jones of the Monkees passed away suddenly today. I was very bummed to hear that. I grew up watching re-runs of the show on Nickelodeon and I always love some of their songs when they came on the radio. I like the Beatles, the Kinks, and other bands of the era. And the Monkees were meant as a pop icon show of those bands. But still, I liked the music. And I like some of the solo stuff that some of the guys did post-Monkees. But Davy was an icon and a teen heartthrob and I gotta imagine a lot of girls out there right now are saddened to hear of his death. I am. RIP Davy Jones.

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