Tuesday, February 28, 2012

We all Sick!

Been a rough couple days. All day Monday I felt odd cramping in my lower abdomen and all sorts of bathroom goodies to go along with it. I decided that since I had similar symptoms the last time I ate White Castle. That I now swear off White Castle for good. Sucks because I love them. But its for the best. Better for the 60 pound loss thing as well.

Then to top it off last night I had some late night food. Woke up after 4 hours of sleep thanks to the bots and spent the next hour and a half in agonizing stomach pain. Then I puked. Yummy. I hate puking, so much. So anyway, I did that, the wife got the bots ready and he went to school. Then a couple hours later the school calls and says bots has had the shits and a 102 temp! So I just got back from taking him to the doctor again. Hoping he gets better on this new medicine.

But the big one is Kelly. She's had some light bleeding and cramping going on and we got concerned for the baby. So she went to the ER last night and they ran tests. Then she went to her doctor today and it was confirmed that she has been straining herself a tad too much. So the doctor ordered her off her feet, no lifting or activity for at least 10 days to a month possibly. If she does not, a miscarriage is possible.

This is all personal family business, yes. But I feel I share enough of my personal life here on this blog over the last few years that I owe it to you, who follow me faithfully, to be 100% honest. For now, I am saying we're all okay and will get better. I am on 100% bots duty while he gets better and hope I do as well in the process. Kelly has bed duty and thats it. So I think it will all work out. But man will I be tired!! Just craziness.

In addition to crazy, I found out my boss at the day job at the Den of Sin has been fired. So seems things are in flux there again. I'm trying to pay it no mind and focus on home and getting us all better. Here's to hope. I am gonna go to bed early tonight and try to get some decent sleep for the week to come. No artworking tonight. Tomorrow, yes.

Anyway, have a week everyone! We're okay. Thanks for the thoughts. Lets hope things continue to run smoothly from this point out for a while.

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