Sunday, September 11, 2016

Horrorhound Recap (TONS OF PICS!)

Hey friends! I'm back from a whirlwind weekend at Horrorhound Indianapolis. I had a complete blast and it was exactly what the doctor ordered. I partied hard, drew like mad, and relaxed as much as possible. But I spent lots of time around the things I love and with people (old and new) that I love as well. Of course, it was all in honor to my friend Caleb and he was heavy on my mind all weekend. It was strange being at a horror show without him. Sometimes it felt like "eh, he just took a bathroom break and he'll be back here in a minute." But I really tried to enjoy myself and have a good time like I think he would want me to.

Day one I had only like 5 hours of sleep and my alarm didn't go off so I was late for work! But I got through my shift and headed out and got Kitty D and Jynel and we headed down to Indy. We arrived around 9:00pm and dropped her off and we checked into our hotel. It was a little ways away from the show and through a dark shady area. We called a taxi to come get us but after a 45 minute wait, he didn't arrive. So we took the chance and walked it, passing our Taxi on the way! We arrived shortly before the show was ending and got our wristbands and checked out the booth. Then we went to Joe's hotel and drank some and I met Alfonzo and Sonya, nice people! So all of us then headed back to the Marriot and got wasted. Severely wasted. We ended up taking an Uber back to the hotel and then passed out. What a fun night! 

I took a ton of photos so lets share and recap em all! Here we go:

Any trip to Indianapolis from Michigan means a stop in ANDERSON for some White Castle!!

Once in Joe's room we all did shots to Caleb.

I'm friggin' jealous of the room they had! A FULL fridge, stove and a fucking dishwasher for only $89 a night. What did I get in my hotel? Ants and non-working jets in the tub for $169. Fuck!!

Joe's wife Jynel rode down with us. Great to finally get to know her a little bit.

Rafael and I mean muggin'...

...Jynel joins in.

The party scene outside every horror con I go to. My people!!
Must... Get... Drunker!!!

Us with Alfonzo and Sonya.

Our crew getting drunk. Ya Boobay!! (Eric Andre Show reference)

Day two:  I got up at 9:30 and took in some hotel breakfast. Then we piddled around the room a bit before heading over to the show early. I wasn't due there til 2pm but we wanted to get some shopping in. Kitty D bought art and I got some more fridge magnets and some Troma movies for my collection. Around 1pm I set up at the table early and starting drawing for people and helping with the raffle fundraiser for Caleb.

When you're hungover, ANY food is good food.

I made this sign for the table to advertise what I was doing.

A "THE RING" sketch.

A Vampyra.

Karloff Frankie.

One person wanted a penis commission. So once I did one, that opened the floodgates for some penis artwork! Fellow table helper and Con Jesus' girl wanted this one: A penis shooting a penis gun, shooting penises at some penises. Penis.

Creature From the Black Lagoon for our friend!

Across from my table was "CHAINSAW" from SUMMER SCHOOL. Seemed like a nice dude.

Directly across from me was Jeff Daniel Phillips, known for some Rob Zombie stuff and a Geico Caveman. People dug him. Nearby was the Bradster and Tom Atkins from NIGHT OF THE CREEPS.

Colleen's sister getting a drawing for herself!

This is the girl who opened the penis commission work I was doing. She wanted mini penises in a big penis. Hey, I'm happy to oblige!

This is the raffle for the Fundraiser benefit for Caleb's family. Some GREAT items! I actually won one of them! Caleb's favorite movie releasing company was SEVERIN. So I put some raffle tickets I bought into the Severin bowl and I won a pile of their movies! I was really excited. It meant even more to me to win them since they were Caleb's favorites.

My loot from the show. Not pictured: some STAR TREK TMP card packs I got from a friend.  TONS of movies to watch now and a lot of them are some soft core goodies! NICE!

Joe ended up raising over $1,500 for the fundraiser, which is fucking awesome! There were other items donated that he will auction off at a later date, so the work will always continue!!!!

After the drawing, Kitty D and I took off to relax in the room. Only so much overstimulation can I take in one day! So we ordered pizza, watched some STAR TREK on BBC and got liquored up. Mine didn't take so much because my tummy was full of food. But I still kept sipping on beers and had a good time. We got back to the show and caught the tail end of THE JASONS' set. Then we partied outside until we went back into the party and saw the end of ARGYLE GOOLSBY's set and then the CHUMP CHANGE VARIETY SHOW. Some carnival style burlesque stuff. Entertaining! 

Punk band: The Jasons!

Kitty D and me. Rockin' out with our Tongues out.

Joe stole Kitty D's robe for the PJ party and did a "Goodbye Horses" routine for everyone.

... and so did Jynel!

Leaf Umbrella.

Burlesque show.

Burlesque performer asking Con Jesus to squeal like a pig. His reply: "You better MAKE me squeal!" So he got out the flogger and flogged Con Jesus. Sacrilicious!!!

Floggin' Jesus!

After not catching that much of a buzz, we decided to call it a night and walk back on our own. We finished off our pizza and opened our stuff from the weekend, watching more TREK in the room. We finally passed out at 3am.

Sunday morning, I am a little worse for wear: 


But we made it home safe. All in all, a great weekend. The spirit of Caleb was for sure with us as we just celebrated life and our love of all things weird and spooky. I can't wait to do Horrorhound Weekend again! My thanks to Joe, Jynell, Severin, Con Jesus and wife, Gonzo, the other Joe, Shane, Rafael for the drinks, Alfonzo and Sonya for great company, those who supported the fundraiser for our friend and anyone else I have forgot. Make mine HORRORHOUND 4 LIFE!

Next time, MORE booze. BIGGER buzz!!!!!


Mike P said...

Wow, Adam, looks like one helluva show...and I never even heard of it! Glad you had a good fundraiser too. And hopefully didn't drive wasted. Enjoy the DVDs!

Phymns said...

No, we always either walked or took uber back to the hotel. I recommend Uber over Taxis. Nice people!