Sunday, December 25, 2016

Year End Wrap Up. Last Blog of 2016? LET'S HOPE SO!

Merry Christmas everyone! And here is my gift to you and to myself... because I am SOOOOO ready to put a goddamn button on 2016...

2016 in a nutshell....
 Here it is! My annual year end bloggy, recapping and commenting on everything from the past year. And this year was a fucking tough, tough, TOUGH one. Fucking brutal. Ranked in the top 5 personal worst of my life. But hey, we’re still here right? Before 2017 puts on its boxing gloves, lets get this over with:

2016 Year End Wrap Up…

My year condensed:  In January I woke up on the first in Grand Ledge after a late night party with Matt, Michelle and my GF at the time. We were determined to make 2016 our bitch. Little did we know that 2016 was already strapping on a huge, floppy, razor-blades glued to it SEVEN style dildo to start fucking us immediately. First three celebrity deaths were Alan Rickman, David Bowie and Glenn Frey… So it began. It was all downhill from there.

I was busy finishing up Starslam 2 to launch the Kickstarter in April. On January 24th I turned 38. I bought a new bass guitar and amp with the intention to focus on writing some new music and maybe record an album in the summer. It never happened. It sat in my closet all year. In February I saw a Ska show with Gabriel and my GF and then we took a trip to Ann Arbor (my first time being there). I did all sorts of shopping and sight seeing. After that, my GF and I parted ways under good terms at the time. I helped pack her stuff for her to get when the lease in Grand Ledge was up. She had moved to Detroit in January.  At the end of the month was the MSU COMICS FORUM where I sold books and met Sergio Aragonies. Then we all went to Sherief’s house and drew dicks on a huge slab of paper.

In March I did the first Fantasticon Lansing and sold decently. Caleb and Joe were there and drew a bunch of dicks and had random people deliver them to me. It was great fun! Dean was set up next to me as well. Later on, I went to Horrorhound Cincinnati with Caleb, Colleen and Joe and had a blast! During this time I started chatting with a girl online and our talks got deep right away. Eventually we met and started dating. I wasn’t really looking to get into another relationship at all but it sort of happened. Her name: Danielle or as I dub her: “Kitty D.” We continued our courtship throughout the year, marking one of the only GOOD things to happen in 2016! Shortly around this time I helped Dean and Mjit move things into their storage.

In April I started collecting NES games, dropping my vinyl habit.  I later sold my collection and player in December. I also really ramped up my CD/DVD/Blu-Ray collecting. I did FCBD at Summit Comics and had fun as always. In anticipation for August, I signed a lease back in East Lansing where I was the year previous. I started boxing up everything in the apartment and getting new shit for my new place. Little did I know I wouldn’t be going there alone! I finished up Starslam and launched the Kickstarter in May. It raised over $3,800… far exceeding the first Starslam in numbers and money earned. It was one of the best moments of the year and my life. I also went to the Motor City Comic Con and sold decently, but realized I am burned out on the comic con experience, so I started thinking it might be my last one for a long while. Some disappointments abounded with the show and I just got disenfranchised about the whole affair. It was a valuable lesson learned. To end the month, I saw one of my favorite bands, GHOST, play live in Grand Rapids.
In June the Starslam 3 books came back from the printer and I got them all out the door. I took a solo trip to Saginaw/Midland/Bay City (old stomping grounds) and relived some old memories and made new ones! Then ended June by seeing ALICE IN CHAINS/GUNS N ROSES at Ford Field with my old pals Nick and Christine. In July my son Cody came and stayed with me for two weeks. We took a trip together to Carmi, Illinois to see where our family originates and to see my dad. I started another diet which didn’t take. I also began to struggle with getting artwork done. This is a pattern which would continue all year. End of July I helped Caleb’s family move into their new home.

And then August… fucking August. August 6th Caleb passed away in a car wreck. What followed was months of depression, events to celebrate his life and raise funds for his family. My eating and depression spiraled out of control as I tried to keep my anger and life in check. The calm situation with my ex GF deteriorated and things got really heated and crazy for a while. Kitty D’s living situation also fizzled and so we decided to jump into the deep waters and move in together. We had friends come and help us move our things from Grand Ledge to East Lansing. It was a shitty move all around but we got through it. We worked hard to make the small living place our own and give it equal flair and comfort. September brought two trips to celebrate Caleb’s life. First was to Horrorhound Indianapolis where Joe raised funds for Caleb and brought in just under $3k. Kitty D loved the horror show and we decided to only do horror cons from now on. Then the next weekend we went to a Drive Inn camping weekend in Shaumberg, Indiana… a trip Caleb, Joe and I planned earlier in the year. A weekend of camping, Burlesque girls and watching horror movies at a drive in theater. It was fun but rainy and a bit depressing with Caleb not being there. But I’m glad I went.

Starting in the late summer and drifting through October/November, I was working sporatically on Starslam 3, Pleasant Life 2 and other things. Production has been spotty at best. I hired my first colorist and he was doing great things with the new Starslam pages I was doing. Andy’s work on the book so far really has given me my only spark of energy through some hard, depression filled months. In October my youngest son was hurt in a way I cannot go into, but it certainly ranks as one of the worst things to happen all year. Thus continues the spiraling depression and anger. November, Trump was elected and man, that’s a whole other blog post. Let's not even go there right now. Kitty D and I adopted a cat and named her "Lily Munster." She's a pain in the butt but brings a lot of love to our lives. Then finally December, a tree was planted at my day job in Caleb’s honor. The new job I helped Dean get ended up not working out. Christmas came and it was a frustrating visit with the kids. I came out with some great gifts and got severely drunk all weekend. 

Everything this year ended in such a down note. With the smoke clearing, we’re all left now scratching our heads thinking: WHAT THE FUCK HAPPENED?!?!

There are so many other minor things and stress I could talk about that happened throughout the year, but all of it really is just added to the big pot of "WTF 2016." It was just a bad year all around. No one I know can argue otherwise. But you know what, we made it through. We survived the storm. And who knows what 2017 will bring. There is always the puncher’s chance of some progress and happiness. I got plans and schemes to go for in the new year and things to look forward to. I hope that I get into an upward swing. I hope to continue on the path out of the darkness and into some light. So say we all.

And FUCK YOU 2016. Seriously. FUCK… YOU…

Let's get to the lists: 

Best movies:
Star Trek Beyond, Deadpool, Don’t Breathe, Eight Days a Week, Suicide Squad, Batman v. Superman, Rush: Time Stand Still, Green Room, Star Wars: Rogue One (As of press time, I haven't seen this yet but I'll likely dig it so I put it on this list).

Best albums:
Anthrax: For all Kings, Neal Morse Band: The Similitude of a Dream, Metallica: Hardwired, Ace Frehley: Origins, David Bowie: Blackstar, Radiohead: A Moon Shaped Pool, Leonard Cohen: You Want it Darker.

Best books I read:
Digging up Mother: Doug Stanhope, A few FAMOUS LOCATIONS books by Chris Epting, The Artist's Way: Julia Cameron, Trigger Warnings: Neil Gaiman, Invincible: Kirkman/Ottley/Walker, Jessica Jones: Bendis/Gaydos.

Best TV:
Ash v. Evil Dead, Stranger Things, Eric Andre Show, Jessica Jones, Walking Dead, Preacher, Maron, South Park.

Worst Famous Deaths:
Steve Dillon, Jack Davis, Alan Rickman, Anton Yelchin, Kenny Baker, Muhammud Ali, Robert Vaughn, Gene Wilder, Tony Burton (Rocky), Ron Glass (Firefly/Barney Miller), Leonard Cohen, Chyna, Glenn Frey, Prince, David Bowie, Alan Young, Gary Shandling, Noel Neil (Superman), George Kennedy, David Huddleston (Big Labowski), Mr. Fuji, Drummer Nick Menza, Michael Massee (The Crow), Tom Neyman (The MASTER from Manos). 

Worst Events:
Caleb’s death, My son’s abuse, Weight Gain, Bad Breakup, The election and post-election events, Depression.

Best Events:
Meeting and falling in love with Kitty D, Guns N Roses/Alice in Chains/Ghost/Reel Big Fish-Suburban Legends-Maxies, Horrorhound memories, Starslam 2’s success, Hiring a Colorist, Book Sales increasing, MSU Forum and post-show party, various con appearances, Drive Inn trip, NES Collecting, two weeks with Cody, Tri-Cities trip, Ann Arbor trip.

2017 Events to look forward to:
Diet, vacation trip, releasing new material/final material, Star Wars 8, The move back to Grand Ledge area, Joint Custody of my boys, Seeing Cody hit his Senior year in HS, maybe doing new music, Exxxotica Con and let’s hope LOTS MORE!

Okay: Goals for 2017---

1- HEALTH - Dude, gotta drop some weight. Its serious. And my mental health needs to be addressed. I'm considering a return to therapy to get some stuff out of the basement and take care of some of the new things that trip me up now. Plus, it seems all of this year I've had no consistent progress on my projects. What holds me back? Well, I'd love to find out and address it! 

2- PROJECTS - Finish them! Get them done and gone. 

3- SAVE MONEY - I got some big events coming in 2017. Trips, new car, a move late summer and taking on my kids in joint custody. So I got some things to shoot for. I'm going to continue my savings efforts and make these things happen! 

4- EVOLVE THE BUSINESS - Do something new with I'm talking getting my store revamped, do more online business, back away from commission work and as I finish all projects... move into something new. Maybe not even related to the business. Just move into doing some new type of art. I might get back into some oil painting or making music or putting together the model kits I bought many years ago and finally finishing them! Maybe do some things for just ME. Chase the whimsies and back away from the table of the business. We'll see. 

5- VLOGS - I haven't announced it yet but I plan to do bi-weekly blogs all year to celebrate my final year of my 30s. I'm using old footage, new footage, process footage, etc. Really beef up the youtube channel and make it something fun. Just to chase the idea. I've already started this and I will be annoying everyone around me in 2017 with it. Enjoy! 

Okay, thats it. Barring any major event to happen in the next few days, I'm going radio silent until the new year. I say that because even now, people like Carrie Fisher are in the hospital with health issues... it seems we may be done with this year, but this year ain't done with us. It might decide to roll us over for one last violent stabbing in our rears before it tosses a $5 bill on the bed and leaves us to cry and cope. 

Too harsh? Eh... thats my mind after surviving this year. But hey, like I said: We did survive. We're here. And we got our days ahead to get on with it. Let's just go, shall we?

Happy Holidays, Happy New Year and I'll see you next year... gladly!



Unknown said...

Merry Christmas, Adam.

Grab 2017 by the throat, and keep punching it until it agrees to be the best year of all time.

Phymns said...

Planning on it!