Monday, January 16, 2017


Oh man, I've re-discovered a rush that is better than coffee and a Mt. Dew combined.... actually DOING SOME ARTWORK!

Yeah, its been something I've been struggling with for months now. I used to sit and do 5-8 pages a night in light pencils and then ink on them all week. It was how I did things. I've kept wanting to tap into that energy for a while now but the events of 2016 just sucked the life out of that workflow. Well last night, the time was right. The moon was in the right position, the drink in my cup was the exact ratio I needed, the Howard Stern recaps on Sirius were the right ones streaming, everyone left me alone and I tapped into the workflow. I had the PS4 waiting behind me, aching me to play Lego Star Wars or GTA 5 again, but I resisted and said I could as a reward if I just got the fuck to work!

So I sat at the table. Seven hours later I emerged triumphant!

In total, I got two commissions partially done (gotta color those tonight), and NINE pages for STARSLAM 3 pencilled and in various stages of ink slapped on pages!

Wow, did I need that. It really made me feel great. Like an artistic orgasm I sorely needed to feel again. After the smoke cleared I treated myself to two hours of some Lego Star Wars on PS4. My girl came home and we watched some TV together and cuddled. Today I set my alarm for 9:45 and I shot right up, anxious to get more work done! I was rewarded with my dedication to get the cover to the Caleb book done:

COMING SOON!!! (yes, I know there is a spelling error... some stuff still being worked on as I type this. This is not the final version)
Man it feels good to finally tap into some of the energy to get some work done. Do I have an actual disciplined work ethic when it comes to my own work again? Lets hope! I'm well aware of my track record from last year with everything going on, and how it can dissipate in a minute. Its easy to knock the wind out of my sails lately. So for now, I am just going to enjoy feeling like this while I can and get as much done as I can!

Well, back to work but let me leave you with this cute pic of lil' James with the worst case of bedhead he had this weekend!

Looks like Eraserhead or something!

--Take care,


1 comment:

Unknown said...

Great job, man. I'm totally stoked to see you excited about art again. I'll be watching for the Kickstarter for your Caleb tribute book.

And also, I believe I can see the edges of 2 pages from our Starslam idea in that stack. =D Still incredibly flattered that our idea made the cut for the book.