Friday, February 24, 2017

Kickstarter is OVER!

Well today was the day! The Kickstarter for my horror comic: TALES FROM THE GORE, is over! We raised almost THREE TIMES the amount asked for in 15 short days. We funded the project in less than 12 hours. Not bad for a 24 page floppy indie horror comic!

This project meant a lot to me. Specifically because its a tribute to my friend Caleb and the results after costs are covered go to his family and the Arlee Rodgers Surgery Fund (which she's doing great BTW). If you haven't seen Arlee and her progress, check out this:

So now we wait the 14 days and then we get the funds. Then place the order with Grecko in Michigan and then a couple weeks later we got our books. We will have a VERY LIMITED supply of books at Horrorhound Cincinnati at the 12 Gauge Gore booth as well. Meanwhile, Caleb's daughter Olya and I have some commissioned pieces to finish for people! We're getting to work on it quickly so that the books can go out on time and everyone is happy.

I cannot thank everyone who participated and pledged enough. Caleb would be so thrilled with this project and the success it has come with. Thank you all.

Caleb lives! The work continues.


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