Saturday, August 24, 2019

Kickstarter for STARSLAM RETURNS is Live!

Hello my friends! The Kickstarter for my new erotica graphic novel, STARSLAM RETURNS is live on Kickstarter and you can pre-order the book and get great stuff for yourself right here:

Below here is a trailer I made for the book on YOUTUBE:

Its 140 pages of slam bang hot action as Bethany Hofferman (STARSLAM) comes to terms with who she is and why she does what she does. There are a ton of new characters and the return of a few old friends in STARSLAM RETURNS!

Folks, I'm proud of this one. I've had it in my head since last year. And now I'm seeing it all come together, its a happening. A total happening. You won't want to miss it. Join my Kickstarter now and get the book to see all the glory! I thank you for your support.

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