Sunday, January 03, 2010

Boom chikka chikka Chic-Filet.

Saturday: I get up at 8:40 with the bots and we play Restuarant City. Kelly has the day off work (imagine that!) and so she sleeps in till Noon. I take a nap from 1-3:30. I get up to see her and the bots are napping. A very lazy day in the Talley household. I want to head to the mall to look for a book or magazine, but the snow outside convinces me otherwise. I drink juice and eat very little. I watch some Doctor Who marathon until the new Finale plays at around 8:30 on BBC America. I watch the final David Tennant Doctor Who episode and get extremely sad after it is over. I check restaurant city and watch some of the Monty Python Documentary BR I bought last week. I then decide to haul my ass to bed. Exhausted.

SUNDAY: I get up at 8:30 with the bots and we watch the rest of the Python Bluray from last night. Bots pulls out all of his toys and we play some 1-2-3 pop up, his favorite game. And then engage in some tickle fight. He goes down for a nap around 1pm. I try to nap and it doesn't take. I instead get ready for work and the wife heads home late from work so I don't get to see her much. I head into work and discuss some scheduling problems with my superior. Turns out I gotta find a way to cover some shifts. (ugh) I trudge through the long night of a shift that never ends, but finally does. I hightail it out and have to park extremely far away at our complex. The wind from the lake has blown over 5 foot deep drifts into my pathway to the door. I dig my way into the complex and settle down, relaxing with some burritos. I check the restaurant and do some odds and ends. I think about doing a podcast or ustream but decide against it. Update the blog and then its off to bed. Exhausted, with big plans to get ahead on work tomorrow.


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