Saturday, February 20, 2010

Troubled Waters ahead?

God, will the snow ever stop? So sick of Michigan weather sometimes.

Speaking being sick of Michigan, I got a problem brewing: My unemployment may be permanently running out soon, which means I have to try to obtain full time employment. Which means, we'll have to find a full time babysitter. Which invites all sorts of problems and basically will be taking all the extra money I would be making going to full time. I am not 100% sure there are any full time positions available in my current job. And there are NO JOBS nearby. Nothing. Believe me, all year I've been looking.

So I guess I am kind of worried about how things are gonna unfold. We may be in major trouble. Possibly. Maybe. I don't know. It seems I always have things work out in the end for me. I just don't like the unknown of how things will unfold. I had hoped by now some obvious route would have presented itself. But nothing so far. :(

But no worries folks. Something will present itself soon. I have faith...of the heart. Bitches.

Speaking of that, I started watching STAR TREK VOYAGER all the way through. A couple episodes I watched last night totally convinced me of Voyager's potential greatness that I had always previously missed. So I am in it for the long haul. We'll see how things roll on.

I am also rewatching all the current Doctor Who's with the wife, who is loving the shit out of it. I am absolutely befuddled as to why she likes it, cause usually she's very "meh" about the shows I like. But she's really latched onto it and even admits openly in public that she loves the show. Its just odd to me. But I likes it. I don't think I'll ever get her to watch the older ones, but thats totally fine by me. And you know, I'll publically state this and mean it: DOCTOR WHO is the best sci-fi show on TV ever. (yes, better than TREK) and I stand by that statement.

Sue me.

Cheers, T

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