Sunday, March 07, 2010

All the sudden: BUSY AS HELL!

Not much time to report, but I thought I'd drop some knowledge:

1-Sketchbooks and Pleasant Life reprints should be back from the printer hopefully this week. I also gotta send ANNA #1 there. I hope to have it back in time for FREE COMIC BOOK DAY signing I am working on securing.

2-Got a potentially great great GREAT gig locally. We'll have to work out some kinks and bugs as to how its gonna work but if all goes smoothly and it hits a groove, lets just say that my problems will be over. Whew! I got my fingers crossed that it will work out nicely. Its a great situation and I am bringing my A game. Here's to hope!

3-In other news, the wife and I learned that a new 3 bedroom has opened up in the bottom floor of a different building than ours. So, we're likely gonna move into that new apartment at the end of april. More room, extra bathroom, and extra bedroom and way more storage space. SO-the wife and I are going through extra crap around the house, tossing EVERYTHING we don't want or never use. I mean, we really gotta part with things that we don't want to part with. We've got too much shit. Expect some new EBAY sales!

4-Muh pal Robert came by this weekend and it was great to see him again. Thanks for coming out! I never have friends come over anymore. It gets lonely here sometimes in my nerd cave.

5-I got the sketch cards for the STAR WARS charity auction thingie. I am doing 50 right now. Last night I did some on my breaks at work and then late into the night at home. I have 1/2 of them pencilled! Gonna work on markering them today. If this keeps up, I should have them done done done by the end of next week. HEAR THAT TOPPS AND RITTENHOUSE!!!!!!?!!?!?!!?!?!?! I CAN DO 50 CARDS IN A WEEK! I WANT THAT JOB! :)

6-Went and got comics on Wednesday. Got the new TRUE STORY, SWEAR TO GOD by Tom Beland (Whom I interviewed recently at check it out HERE. Great to see him back in action again. That book has alot of heart. I hope ya'll would pick it up and give it a chance. Also got a new HORRORHOUND mag, which I NEED to subscribe to that magazine. That and DOCTOR WHO magazine are the only magazines I faithfully read now. Also got some more Indy Masterpiece cards. Pulled another Adam Hughes foil.

7-Got a couple new print ideas for the con season. Gonna do some classic Universal Monsters. I did a Frankenstien's monster a while back. But I think a Dracula and Creature from the Black Lagoon or Wolfman might be cool. But I got alot to get done first before I can work on that.

8-This week also, I hope to plug out some new STAR TREK page submission samples and pencil some more on ANNA #2. I woke up yesterday and had one of those things in my head instantly and it completely connected. I was stuck in this one part of Anna #2 and not sure what I wanted to do with that scene. But I had it in my head instantly as I woke up! So I jotted it down and thats what I am gonna do! I'm glad when my brain cooperates with me!

9-Discovered the joys of Itunes radio. HAlf my time at the desk is me piddling through my music files trying to decide what to listen to to keep me productive. (usually podcasts, but I am all caught up, believe it or not) So now, I let the internet radio do it for me. Any genre I feel like. Plus I hear some new shit I've never heard in favorite genres of mine. I like.

10-Did a quick podcast with muh pal Dean Stahl talking about his webcomic: HEADLOCKS AND HEADACHES And talking comics, 80's wrestling and much more. A fun little listen. check it out and the older episodes HERE

11-Your mom.

Okay, thats all I know. Back to work with me. I got coloring to do!~


1 comment:

Unknown said...

You got so much going on! I need to become that productive!

Have you tried Pandora or Grooveshark for music content to stream? Both are awesome services.