Wednesday, April 28, 2010


Some interesting articles up today about yesterday's announcement of the "find" of Noah's Ark. Here is the initial release with pics and supposed video: HERE

But HERE is an article with testimony confirming this to be a fake. So either way, its all interesting reading.

Believe me, I wrote papers about the archeological searches and tracked timelines and findings about the Search for Noah's Ark back in college. It has one of the most fascinating archeological histories of any other thing on Earth. In a way, I am hoping that this team is legit and pushes forward and it is all actually true. but I've looked at these photos over and over and I got the following comments:

-The ship and site is supposedly over 5,000 years old. And has always been reported to be at the 14,000 foot level of the 16,5000 foot mountain of Ararat. So that would be accurate. BUT-look at the photos. Cobwebs? Hay? Hay that looks like it was just harvested and placed there yesterday. Hay would not last that long in the frozen conditions such as that mountain would have. It would have some withering and age. Not look like a horse could eat it tomorrow! And cobwebs? In a place way too cold for spiders to be? Also in the video, how come you cannot see their breath while breathing? Isn't it supposed to be cold up there? I mean, its next to a glacier!!! Lastly, Why are only minor news sites covering this? The biggest profile you got is FOX NEWS, and I wouldn't trust anything they said to me as much as I could throw em.

So its these factors that make me a skeptic about this. That and every five years, someone claims to have found Noah's Ark and it ALWAYS comes out to be a hoax.

I guess we'll see what time reveals on this. Is it true, is it not? Either way, its still fascinating and adds yet another chapter into all the history involving this legend. I love this kind of stuff. So I'm gonna keep my eye on this one and let you know what I dig up. (HA! DIG UP! GET IT?)


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