Friday, April 30, 2010


---A reminder: I will be at Wonderworldcomics in Taylor, MI Saturday for Free Comic Book Day from 11-4pm. I will be doing free sharpie sketches for the kids and whoever else, as well as full commissions. I will have copies of the 2010 Sketchbook, Anna Pocalypse #1 and Pleasant Life trade, as well as original art and new prints! Also joining me are fellow artists Brett Pinson, Tony Miello, Kevin Leen and more! So come on out, it will be an awesome time!

--I am currently working on Anna Pocalypse #3 and Expendables #3 at the same time. I drew a double splash page for Anna last night that is tons of shooting and bloody wounds. I have done a TON of weapons research for this issue too. Lets just say its the most action packed comic I have ever drawn, and its only 4 pages in.

--Well, we were supposed to move into our new apartment this week, but the lady who was in it previous hasn't got the rest of her stuff. She still needs to turn in her keys and the apartment needs to be cleaned. So its likely it won't be till mid-may or early June now. If at all. Sucks, cause all our stuff is sitting around me in boxes. Our place is a wreck and Iam just ready for things to return to normal for god's sake!

--I drew two new Doctor Who prints. One for the tenth and the eleventh doctor. Check em:

--I decided NOT to get tickets for Roger Waters. Several factors: I would go to the PALACE and thats a 2.5 hour drive just cause I want to avoid Chicago driving. I also would only be able to afford far away tickets and I'd likely be around a bunch of pot smoking, which wouldn't be good cause in my job there's random drug testing. If I got some sort of second hand contact buzz, I'd be fucked. Seeing Roger is nice, but its a constant reminder that Pink Floyd are no longer together and while I hear others play Gilmour's parts, I'll just be wishing it were him instead. I saw Roger in 1999 and wanted to see him for the solo songs he did. I love the wall, but I love PINK FLOYD's version. If I were to see Roger, I'd want to hear some of his solo stuff. I'd be going alone and going to a concert alone sucks ass. I'm low on funds and getting tickets for a concert is a bad idea right now.

So, its all those reasons I decided that its just not a good idea. There will likely be a DVD release of the shows anyway, so I'll just get that. I'm sad sorta, but in the end, its a better decision.

--Lastly, some word on the NIGHTMARE ON ELM STREET remake. Its got a 12% fresh rating on and everyone I know say its not really good. Me, I'm glad. I just want them to quit remaking 80's horror movies cause they are all shit. Leave my movies alone. Do another sequal if you want to do a Jason or Freddy movie. I'll go see that. But a remake, a rehash, a re-telling, I am not interested in. When I see one, it just reminds me that I wish I were watching the original version for the first time instead. I hate it. The only modern horror remake I dig is the DAWN OF THE DEAD one, and even then, I still prefer the Romero version. so Hollywood, quit raping shit. Come up with NEW ideas or pay homage to the past by doing continuations, rather than reboots. Cause it never works. Just stop it. Just stop. You're making the greatest horror icons of all time less scary. Stop it.


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