Monday, May 03, 2010

We be movin'...

Its official mostly. After turning down a potential house and a few other apartments, We're moving into a new place this month. Good thing, is that it is in the same complex as we are in now, just one building over, same floor level. Its a three bedroom as opposed to a two, which we have now. Our third bedroom will be storage/workout room for the wife, leaving my office still in the living room, which I prefer. Our appliances are the same and our space is expanded. Two extra closets, so that is great. It will be nice to have some organization to our lives for once, instead of piles here and there. Looking forward to it. I always enjoy moving. Sorting through your stuff, tossing this or that. And then unpacking, deciding where your things are going to go. And as it takes final form and shape, it becomes whole and thats a great feeling to have.

the only part I HATE about moving is the actual, physical "moving" part of it! and me being completely out of shape and having to watch a one year old while I move stuff doesn't help! So it will be a challenge. But its just across the courtyard and not far of a lug. Should go smoothly. Just better find my back brace!

So: In the coming two weeks: More packing, sorting, tossing and getting crap ready. I want the move to go completely smooth and no problems. For now, I am gonna draw up layout plans and decide how I want things. Some decisions to make. Oh, and gonna lift some weights to get my arms ready!

Time to hulk out.


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