Wednesday, May 05, 2010

ANNA #2 peek and news.

Been busy coloring on Anna #2 and thought I'd share a couple spoiler free pages of progress....

I am about 14 pages into the coloring so almost done! I got a couple pieces of fanart and some letters this week, thanks to my appearance at Wonderworld this past weekend and online pre-sales. I may incorporate that into the next book somehow. So if you got some fan art or a letter you want published like in the good ol' days, send em my way! Get your name printed in a comic like its the 80's all over again!


In other news, no word on WHEN we can move for sure. I am thinking it will be after the 17th. They are currently cleaning up and re-painting the new place which we've seen twice now. We're very excited about the move. Two full bathrooms and a 3rd bedroom for storage and the wife's personal work out room. And I may re-arrange my office a tad bit. I am excited about how its all gonna look when its done. Change is good. So hopefully we'll know something soon.

I gotta order some more matte boards today to get them in time for Motor City. I am also working on Expendables #3 pages and Anna #3 pages at the same time. I am spending time with the bots today and helping pack/sort more stuff today and after he hits the pillow, I plan to rock out on pencilling pages! For the next three days, nothing but pencilling. Gotta get em done!

The wife and I have been re-watching Doctor Who, catching her up to current. So far, she seems to really enjoy it. Now we're at the final David Tennant specials. Me, so far I am enjoying the new doctor. He grows on you fast. The episodes have been hit and miss but I enjoy the new direction. It did seem to get sorta formulaic with R.T. Davis' run. Always some cute alien and then the doc realizing how to beat the problem at the end with a series of fast talking and tecno babble. And I didn't like that he made the doc sort of a "Jesus-like" figure in some episodes. It got real old. But now he's sorta ego-centric and goofy. I like it.

I wish I could hit the movie theater so I could see Iron Man 2. I really enjoyed the first one, despite the fact I don't know much about the comics.

Speaking of comics and live action, WALKING DEAD the series is taking shape. Alot of the cast has been filled. And the first 6 episodes have been ordered. I think they start shooting next month. I am so excited for that series. Finally, a series on TV that I will be looking forward to watching each week! Even though I know what will happen in the series!

And that is all of my news for today. Thanks for continuing to check back! T-minus: 10 Days till Motor City Con! My first major con of the year! Looking forward it.


(BTW-Ernie Hudson dropped Motor City unfortunately. But in his place, they got Counselor Troi. I may start working on that STAR TREK TNG autograph collection now starting with her.)

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