Thursday, May 06, 2010

ANNA 2 Cover and Moving, METAL!!!!

Here she is: The cover to Anna Pocalypse #2. Hope you dig. I am happier with Anna's look on this cover that the one to issue one. I regret having her have cleavage on the first book. I don't want Anna to be percieved as another one of those "slutty looking girl fights bad guys" books. I wanted it to feel real, more violent and with a strong, well-written female lead. Like if Wonder Woman was sans powers and lived in a fucked up world and was forced to do things contrary to social mores. I hope its percieved that way rather than the former.

In other news, still no word on WHEN the move will be. We're hoping the week of the 17-19th. That would be perfect for us. Cause Motor City is the 14-16th, and we'll be back that night and ready to rock and roll. If we went in earlier, we'd just want to be home to settle in our new stuff. We'll see how it all works out.

I haven't done any updates on what I've bought lately. I haven't got much in the realm of new DVDs. I think the last things I bought movie-wise were some James Bond Blurays that were on sale at Best Buy. That was a couple months ago. I mostly have been buying CDs. Now that I am all caught up with my podcast archive/clipping duties, I have been cultivating the "work" brain of listening to music and plowing through artwork. I tend to be more prolific and awake when rocking out. I've been feeling extremely METAL lately. Re-listening to my PANTERA Cds. I rebought a lot of Cds that I've either lost, loaned out and lost or were too scratched up to keep. Pantera's Great Southern Trendkill, Motley Crue's Dr. Feelgood 20th Anniversary Remastered, GNR's Appetite for Destruction, Brian Posehn's comedy album "Fart and Weiner Jokes" (Highly recommended), Tool's 10,000 Days, and others. I am the lookout for some Slayer, Guns Use your Illusion 1-2 and some Rage albums I don't have yet. Also, I'm missing my Tool albums: Opiate and Laterulus. No idea where they are, but I'd gladly buy them again.

My Floyd Cds are in DESPERATE need of rebuying. They are scratched to shit and the cases are fucked. I keep holding off thinking they will get some re-release remastered with new pics and expanded artwork treatment. Maybe in a few years, eh?

Anyway, back at the grind. I gotta rock out some pages tonight. Ink during the shows if all goes to plan.


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