Sunday, April 11, 2010

Top 5 Silliest TOS TREK moments....

I'm back with a new top five oddest or craziest moments in all of TOS STAR TREK. Here we go:

--WHAT LITTLE GIRLS ARE MADE OF "Kirk's Stalagtite Dick"
There's a scene where Kirk is on the run from Ted Cassidy (Lurch from Addams Family) and he hides behind a rock. Then looks up, breaking off a stalagtite from the cave roof, and the fake rock looks like a huge pink dildo. Tell me it doesn't. Like, Kirk wants to fuck Lurch man! Watch out Teddy!

---WAY TO EDEN "Jam Session"
Quote possibly the most annoying episode ever. The Enterprise picks up these space hippies and they "play" these "instruments" and jam and stink like hippies. One of the main singing hippies is played by Charles Napier, familiar character actor who would go and be in millions of movies. Bet he wishes he never did this!

--CONSCIENCE OF THE KING "Daughter's freak out"
No spoilers but in the end, the main bad guy's daughter has the most awkward freak out ever. You can't tell if she's just a bad actress or is just completely insane. Maybe both. I dunno. Either way, its just uncomfortable, then laughable, and then most uncomfortable again.

---PLATO'S STEPCHILDREN "Kirk and Spock dance and sing"
Could strive for campiness, but it fails. Kirk and Spock, under mind control are forced to dance around each other and sing and play horsey. Just needs to be seen to be believed. It stretches on and on, painfully. So unnecessary.

---ELAAN OF TROYIUS "Kirk abuses women"
By today's standards, quite abusive. The Enterprise picks up a major ambassador, who happens to be the biggest, brattiest bitch in the galaxy. So send in Kirk to tell that bitch to chill! He slaps her around and threatens to spank her. Its just... no.


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