Saturday, April 24, 2010

Updates and things.

Its been a hell of a week for me. Transatlantic, some artwork done and various cleaning around the house and time with the family. Let me see if I got the highlights:

--After discussing design with a fellow artist of mine and getting feedback on the discussion, I decided to change up the look of the blog here. It is universally a design no-no to have black background with white text. So I decided to change it. Everyone like the results? If so, comment or shoot me a mail and let me know what you think. So far, I kinda dig it. I will take steps one day to personalize it more I think.

--I mailed off all packets and orders so those that ordered stuff from me, its on its way!

--The wife and I decided to sell our second car. So we cleaned it out and got a couple people interested in it. Hopefully it sells this week. It will be nice just to get that monkey off our backs.

--I am 100% confirmed to be at WONDERWORLD COMICS on May 1st (FREE COMIC BOOK DAY) in Taylor, Michigan. See their site HERE. They are good people and run a great store. This will be my third year in a row out there, so they got good tastes! I will have ANNA #1 and new SKETCHBOOKS and the usual suspects. Come on out!

--I am inking the last page of Anna #2. I am 10 pages into the coloring and its looking quite good. I think from now on, ALL my comics I shall color. I am suprised at my skills at it and it makes my artwork look a million times better. I certainly still have a lot to learn, as far as tricks and tips go. I am looking for online tutorials right now. I will start pencils on Anna #3 this week.

--I did a new piece for Antarctic Press. Million thanks again to them for letting my ass aboard ship again. Go HERE to see their site and check out their books! I'll show you the finished piece once the book is out.

--I still have the sketchbook/commission deal going on. Details HERE

--We should find out this week if we are 100% moving or not. Its looking likely, but we have to approve the look and appliances of the new apartment. After that, massive amounts of hardwork and moving/cleaning will commence, so I may be incommunicado for a couple days. Ah, the joys of moving.

---one last note on the TRANSATLANTIC concert: My Finland pal Jarmo mentioned how cool it is for me: Not having attended an "arena" concert in years and my first time out, I get the cool experience of great seats, excellent company and I get to meet the friggin' band, some of whom are hard to get face time with? Just super awesome times a 1,000,000! What a way to start the summer! I just hope it continues its upswing into my convention tours and things I got planned. I think it will.

Thats all I know for now folks. Have a good weekend!


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