Saturday, June 26, 2010

Finale thoughts on DOCTOR WHO and VOYAGER

I've finished the entire series of STAR TREK VOYAGER and the newest season of DOCTOR WHO and so I am now gonna give some thoughts. The thoughts I have contain spoilers so watch yourself! Warning has been issued. Lets begin:

---I got to see the ending to Series 5 today, Matt Smith's first season as the Doctor and I gotta say it was a resoundingly awesome ending to it! The cliffhanger really hooked you and the ending really tugged at you. And like a masterstroke of genius, all the stuff that was mentioned throughout the series was mostly fixed and discussed and dealt with, leaving some tidbits to follow up on later. With this last episode, Matt Smith as the Doctor is now fully realized and I am much more comfortable with him now. In the first episode he won me over but after that, it seemed too soon to be falling in interest to a new man in the huge shoes left by Tennant. And some of the episodes meandered, sure. But every single one had interesting things happen and all of them left clues that lead to the finale. No "unnecessary" episodes that you can skip really. All of them are necessary, making for a well rounded season. Well done Stephen Moffet. Doubts are now subdued and I look forward to Series 6 and the Holiday special. Its gonna be a long time to wait!

What I like: Matt as the Doc. He's quirky, he's different. He's now got some catch phrases and some repeated attitude and speech things, that characterizes his doctor. His oddness and sort of jumbled nuttiness has grown on me and makes me like this doctor, dare I say, MORE than Tennant! I think it has to do with the writing mostly, but Matt's performance is getting better and better. In the finale, he almost made me cry. It was that good. I'm stealing his phrases now and I even want to maybe wear a fez. Cause fez's are cool. ;)

Amy Pond: The best companion ever. She's fiesty, she's strong willed and a tad curious. But thank God she's not in love with him. At first, I thought we'd be going that route yet again, but luckily, its not to be. I hope she sticks around for a long time.

I also like the fact that no one looks to the Doctor as though he were jesus and there's alot of deus ex machina showing up at the last second. He uses his mind brilliantly and fixes things without an option showing up at the last minute. And less all over the world and EVERYONE knowing the doctor, the better I say. I hope for more other world adventures in season 6, and less Earth.

The TARDIS' new design I am still iffy on. But its interesting to look at onscreen. I preferred the coral design and stiffness. But this one reflects 11ths personality well. Geronimo indeed.

So all in all, I like where DOCTOR WHO is headed. I am very excited. Onward and upward I say. the DVDs come out in November. Now I just have to get my wife to watch them with me. She was a huge Tennant fan. ;)

Well, I rejoined netflix a couple months back, JUST to watch STAR TREK VOYAGER, the show I never really gave a good chance. Overall, I'd say I fell for the characters, which was what turned me off about the show back in the day. I spent some time with them and liked them. Not as much as Kirk or Picard's crew, but I'd say more than DS9's crew, definitely.

I liked the first few seasons the best. It had the best character introspective and heart wrenching decisions on choosing not to get Voyager home. Neelix, the one character before whom I could not stand, I grew to really like, and teared up when he left Voyager for good in the last season. I was upset that Kes' character got fucked the way she did in favor of hiring the pair of tits with legs (7 of 9). I really liked Kes and thought she fit in better. 7 of 9 I just couldn't get into. Seems like she was always getting naked or doing something oddly sexual. It reeked of desperation for ratings. I know a lot of fanboys got turned on to Voyager as a result of her but I saw right through it. Just like I saw through T'pol on ENTERPRISE. Look, I like tits as much as the next man. But there's TITS and there's TREK. Keep em seperate I say! (I know, I am in the minority here, but sorry, its just how I feel).

I ho-hummed through seasons 4-7, waiting to get to the end and truthfully, I skipped some here and there. I read ahead to see which ones I would NEED to watch to get the full "story." I skipped all "alien of the week" type of shows mostly. I didn't care for the filler. I wanted to see the meat. And what I found was good. 8472 was scary. The borg were "meh." I actually liked the first season villians. The Kazons, the phage people and Seska. But all that ended around season 1 or 2, I cannot recall and never really came back.

The best characters were the Doctor and Janeway herself. I really grew to like her, but she at times seemed to second guess herself too much. I prefer Kirk or Picard's sternness and sense of God-like status. Janeway seemed to vulnerable. And Chakotay, I gotta say wasn't that great of a character. He had his moments, but eh, not that great really I thought.

What dissapointed me most was the series finale. Here was this huge finale but then at the end, they make it home. Credits. No actually landing on Earth, interacting. Emotions, hugs, tears... just fucking NOTHING! I felt robbed. And instantly, I felt glad that I didn't bother with EVERY SINGLE EPISODE of the series in this marathon I had. I would have felt even more robbed.

But I guess its not the destination, its the journey. Okay. Fine. Still, I would have loved a few tear jerker moments. All in all, I am glad I checked out Voyager. It has now outranked DS9 as far as my order of shows preference. Best to Worst now stands as: TOS, TNG, ANIMATED, VOY, DS9 and ENTERPRISE dead last.

Well there ya go folks. Now off to rent more movies from Netflix. What series should I try next?


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