Thursday, June 24, 2010

Last Politics and how awesome I am sometimes.

First off on the AWESOME-NESS, the Gods delivered and I signed for it. I got 5 pages pencilled last night on Expendables 3! I needed that boost of acceleration on this thing. I scanned the pages and am coloring today and will pencil 1-2 more tonight. I'm trying hard to crank this thing out so I can return to Anna and the new stuff I gotta get rolling on. Wish me luck. But so far, so good. (So what?) ;)

Completely over the sickness, thank God. That deeply sucked.

I'm on a metal kick lately. Megadeth, Slayer, Pantera, etc. I'm rockin' out in muh head lately man! Its fun.


Lastly, I wanted to state something. A week or so ago, I posted a political rant/rave like I do every so often. Well, I deleted it and regret posting it. Sometimes, I like to get my thoughts out cause I think I got a forum for people to listen to. And I know people read this cause I get emails, messages and more about it. Frankly, I am amazed people come here daily to my site for me to entertain them at all! I thank you profusely for it, indeed.

I find it so frustrating lately. There's a lot of tension in the air. I think there's more than when Republicans were in office and I could only say and do nothing. And now its all defense and nothing can get done. And its all a major mess that never stops. And all I do is sit and argue key speeches and points of who said what, when and how. It just tires me and frankly, I am sorta done with it.

I quit ranting about celebrity obsession a couple years ago and I have been soo happy since I stopped caring. Somewhere in the early 2000's, I started to care very heavily about politics and make my voice heard. All it has brought me is grief, anger and frustration. No matter who we put in charge, no matter the great things that do or do not get done, we still never better ourselves. We never evolve.

So where to put our trust? Store up treasures on Earth that is failing? Or somewhere else? Some have a heaven to turn to. I wish I had something like that, for I do not. So I am just going to put my treasures in faith and trust that I will be safe and my loved ones (including you) will be safe. Its all I can do. and I shall always be waiting at the evolutionary ladder, waiting for everyone to wake up and understand.

So, from now on, NO MORE POLITICAL RANTS. You will not see me mention it here. (Unless something major happens that I feel I need to comment on.) But as far as the defense/offense of politics, the mudslinging vs. truths, the he said-she said BS, the rights and wrongs on both sides.... I am just leaving it be. I am striving now to entertain you and show you more of the inside doings of what and how I do it. Its what a good artistic blog does. I am going to bring cool things to your attention. I am going to promote positive things that you should check out. Not rant and rave anymore.

In the end, I gotta say a hearty "sorry folks." Won't happen again. I'm shutting my mouth and I couldn't be happier. Ignorance is bliss.

Love ya all! Next time, with more entertainment! (and boobs and fart jokes)


1 comment:

Anonymous said...


Kudos, I agree

The podcasts (SABO, BIGFANBOY, TIM's) are suppose to be nice escapes from all that political BS. It really does drag the shows down when certain people rant about politics and politicians and wish they started to feel the same way you do about it.

Your right, why worry about stuff you can't control. Taking care of yourself and family is more important and be cool with people you interact with personally and professionally.