Monday, July 05, 2010

Lonely day...

Just me and the bots hanging out at the house.

Seems thats all I do anymore. Bots is in full on two year old getting into everything mode. I cannot draw much during the day now cause if I at the comp giving full attention to something, he is right there pulling at my arm. I try to get him to watch cartoons so daddy can "work" but then I start to hear "CATS IN THE CRADLE" play in my head and I am forced to stop. :)

(BTW--I am adding this to say that I am not COMPLAINING about the bots at all! I hope that my sarcasm can be read through this. Believe me, I'd much rather hang with the bots all day than stock shelves or ring up customers any day. So PLEASE don't think I am complaining about my son at all! Far from it. Clarified? Okay! Moving on...)

I've kept looking for secure long term employment all over my area for the last year and still haven't found anything. I tried for three hours today trying to scour every employment website I could find to find something my skills could be used. Nothing. So I dunno man. Maybe Michigan is the worst job market in the world right now. Cause all my pals elsewhere have sweet, super-dope jobs. But I shall keep looking and hoping.

I got the news that the manager that was responsible for the crap way I was let go from Lions Den was fired this week. Made my day to know that justice was served properly. I hope she never finds another job. With her attitude, I cannot imagine her scoring one easily. But for now, what goes around-comes around baby! Vengeance is mine.

I am working on two new print pieces for next year. I was considering doing one more show for the end of the year, but I just cannot get anything to connect as far as table splits or days off in agreeance with the wife's schedule. So unfortunately, I am done for the year it seems. I had hoped to do one more show, but its not gonna happen. Thats okay. I'm putting together new stuff for next year and plan to make it a big one again for me. I made good profit this year at most shows I did and am gunning to do the same again, with a bit of a tweek to my overall plan. Word.

I got five pages left on Expendables. I have been working increased hours at Walgreens lately, so I haven't been able to work on them completely, and with the kid too, makes it extra tough. Hopefully this week I can get a spark into getting the last 5 pages pencilled and inks to come. Wish me luck.

Anyway, hope everyone had a safe holiday weekend. Take care of yourselves. Me? I intend to finish work this week and get back my my love: Well, you know what that be...


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